European Journal of Anaesthesiology | EJA - The EJA Podcast collection
En podcast av EJA

35 Avsnitt
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Sarah Devroe and Nicolas Brogly, an author of ESAIC focused guidelines for the management of the failing epidural during labour epidural analgesia.
Publicerades: 2025-01-24 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Carolina Romero and Massimo Lamperti, authors of Preoperative assessment of adults undergoing elective noncardiac surgery: Updated guidelines from the European Soci
Publicerades: 2025-01-24 -
The EJA Podcast collection...Q&A with An Teunkens and Per Moller, an author of Bacterial contamination and greenhouse gas emissions: A randomised study of reuse versus single-use of infusion-set compo
Publicerades: 2024-12-02 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Tino Münster and Johannes Wacker, the first author of A survey and analysis of peri-operative quality indicators promoted by National Societies of Anaesthesiologist
Publicerades: 2024-10-24 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Tom Hansen and Mariana Gaya da Costa, an author of Remimazolam vs. propofol for general anaesthesia in elderly patients: a meta-analysis with trial sequential analy
Publicerades: 2024-10-14 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Alistair McNarry and Marc Van de Velde, an author of the role of supraglottic airway devices for caesarean section under general anaesthesia. A scoping literature r
Publicerades: 2024-09-04 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Esther Pogatzki-Zahn and Dalia Aljohani, the first author of Experiences and perspectives of adults on using opioids for pain management in the postoperative period
Publicerades: 2024-07-02 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Jean-Michel Constantin and Marcus Schultz, an author of Effects of closed loop ventilation on ventilator settings, patient outcomes and ICU staff workloads – a syst
Publicerades: 2024-05-20 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Marc Samama and Oliver Grottke, the first author of Clinical guideline on reversal of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with life threatening bleeding
Publicerades: 2024-05-07 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Patrice Forget and Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, the last author of Perioperative pain management models in four European countries: A narrative review of differences, simi
Publicerades: 2024-02-26 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Claudia Spies and Finn Radtke, authors of Update of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine evidence-based and consensus-based guideline
Publicerades: 2024-02-21 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Mariachiara Ippolito and Andrea Cortegiani, authors of Peri-operative night-time work of anaesthesiologists: A qualitative study of critical issues and proposals
Publicerades: 2024-02-21 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Bernard Walder, Giovanna Lurati Buse and Michelle Chew, author of the ESAIC focused guideline for the use of cardiac biomarkers in perioperative risk evaluation
Publicerades: 2024-02-21 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Sander Kempenaers, author of Remimazolam and serious adverse events: A scoping review
Publicerades: 2023-11-27 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Jochen Hinkelbein, Cardiac arrest in the perioperative period: a consensus guideline for identification, treatment, and prevention...
Publicerades: 2023-11-27 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Esther Pogatzki-Zahn and Eric Albrecht, author of The postoperative analgesic efficacy of liposomal bupivacaine versus long-acting local anaesthetics for peripheral
Publicerades: 2023-11-27 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Patricia Lavand'homme and Patrice Forget, author of Opioid-free anaesthesia: should we all adopt it? An overview of current evidence
Publicerades: 2023-11-27 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Tino Münster and Marcelo Gama de Abreu, author of Variable ventilation versus stepwise lung recruitment manoeuvres for lung recruitment: A comparative study in an e
Publicerades: 2023-11-24 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Prof. Sibylle Kietaibl, author of "Management of severe peri-operative bleeding: Guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care: Second
Publicerades: 2023-05-04 -
The EJA Podcast collection…Q&A with Dr. Dominic V. Atraszkiewicz, author of "Greener ‘Gassers’: key challenges in anaesthesia and perioperative medicine related to the evolving climate crisis".
Publicerades: 2023-05-04
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