Guy Donahaye, the Kleshas
Guy Donahaye speaks on the five kleshas: Avidya, "Ignorance," Asmita, "Ego," Raga, "Attachment," Dvesa, "Aversion," and Abhinivesa, "Fear of death." He speaks on how the triad of Tapas, Svadhyaya and Isvara Pranidhana work to eliminate these illusions that keep us from true fulfillment.Also at 31:15 Guy and the sisyas discuss reincarnation as a film, and Guy discloses that the Sound of Music is actually a horror film, to him.Questions for us? Email, or come approach us at Where you can practice all eight limbs of yoga with us, in New York City.Unending love and gratitude towards you;@yogis.ontheroad