What You Can Do For 10 Minutes Every Day That Will Change Your Life

Will Chou's Personal Development Show Podcast - En podcast av Will Chou: Blogger and Podcaster

What if there’s something that will take you less than 10 minutes a day that can change your life?
Well, it turns out a few activities you can do that fall into this category. By turning them into a habit, it can lead to massive amounts of money, happiness, success, and performance.
Now, you’re probably skeptical. Let me explain to you why this is true. A 10 minute a day formula works because of the sheer length of your life. Many of you will live into your 70’s, 80’s, or even 90’s. Therefore, you have decades of time to improve.
With just 10 minutes a day, you will eventually accumulate thousands of hours of practice. I learned about this concept through books by Napoleon Hill, Sir John Templeton, and Darren Hardy (all accomplished entrepreneurs).
So which activities should you choose in the 10 minutes? Well, that’s what I will explain in this podcast episode. Prepare to learn:

* A number of 10-minute activities that can compound your wealth accumulation and goal accomplishment.
* Why these activities work really well.
* What the world’s top achievers have to say about this.
* Why this is a magical process that works wonders if you can turn it into a habit.

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Show Notes and Resources
Here are some important notes mentioned during the show worth remembering. It doesn’t cover everything, but it’s worth your attention:

* You may not see the effects of your results for years down the line but keep at it. That’s how it works; small effects that time to compound.
* Just as important as deciding your productive 10-minute tasks, you should also eliminate destructive 10-minute tasks. A great example is the habit of eating junk food. You will not see a decline in health or an increase in belly fat until years down the line.
* Click here to see my habit-building post on how you can turn these activities into habits.
* Don’t neglect the simple, common sense stuff. Daily exercise (especially cardio, push-ups, and pull-ups) can add up to major gains.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” -Benjamin Franklin
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