What I Learned From Kevin Kreider, Asian Model, Fitness/Life Coach, and Influencer,

Will Chou's Personal Development Show Podcast - En podcast av Will Chou: Blogger and Podcaster

A few months ago, I reached out to Kevin Kreider, a Korean American fitness influencer on Instagram, for an interview. Sometimes, influencers don’t respond or aren’t interested, but Kevin was fascinated with what I was doing and down.
Fast forward a couple weeks, and I was introducing Kevin to my mother before our podcast interview — which is cool since I daydreamed about introducing Obama or Jeff Bezos to my mom casually before an interview many times, and this was a shocking, unintentional step manifesting that crazy vision.
Fast forward another hour and I’d had one of the coolest interviews and moments of bonding I’ve had that year — so much better than the boring weekend I would’ve had, probably watching some mediocre movie or napping.
You see, I figured we’d have a general discussion on fitness and maybe touch a bit of personal development. Almost from the first call we had to sort out logistics, Kevin and I wanted to touch on deeper topics, like dealing with being Asian American in the 21st century.
In this podcast episode, I reflect on some of the lessons I learned from my interview with Kevin. We share similar values around reducing entitlement, negativity, and self-pity, and understanding how true happiness comes from beyond money or superficial acts to strong relationships and helping others. I touch on:

* fitness and health
* happiness
* money as a tool
* self-loathing
* mindsets and assumptions we have
* self-sabotage through one’s perception of Asian American women
* being your best self
* doing what you love, finding out what you love, and using that to become a better version of yourself

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