Ronald Reagan: Supply Side Economics & "Welfare Queens"
What a Creep - En podcast av Margo Donohue
What a CreepSeason 26, Episode 7Ronald Reagan, trickledown economics & welfare queensIt’s time to talk about President Ronald Reagan’s “trickle-down economics” tax policy, which has been described as the most enduring failed policy idea in American politics. And that leads into Reagan’s narrative of “the welfare queen,” the undeserving women who are freeloading off of the American taxpayers, AND THAT feeds into the bigger story of people living in poverty who don’t want to work. What a creep.Sources for this episodeCBSGeorgetown LawNew AmericaNew York TimesPBSThe Roosevelt InstituteWashington PostWikipedia (Reaganomics)Wikipedia (Trickledown economics)Wikipedia (Welfare queens)What a Creep episodes on ReaganPart one: Reagan and his mental health policiesPart two: Reagan and the AIDS crisisBe sure to follow us on social media. But don’t follow us too closely … don’t be a creep about it! Subscribe to us on Apple PodcastsTwitter: @CreepPodFacebook: Join the private group! Instagram @WhatACreepPodcastVisit our Patreon page: We’ve got merch here! website is Our logo was created by Claudia Gomez-Rodriguez. Follow her on Instagram @ClaudInCloud