Ascension and the Purpose of the Twin Flame Journey

Twin Flame Transformation - En podcast av Michele Lynch

Episode 81 - In this episode, Michele talks about Twin Flames, spiritual ascension and what the purpose of the Twin Flame journey actually is.  She also talks about what to do if one or both Twin Flames are married. At the end she shares some tools she has found imperative to help navigate this profound journey. "What I believe, researched and have experienced the purpose of the Twin Flame journey to actually be—is a journey of spiritual ascension. Now this concept may be contrary to what we think we want—which is to be together with our Twin Flame. But the longer you’re on this journey—the more I think you’ll find and discover that this journey with your Twin Flame is first and foremost a spiritual path and a path to ascension. The idea of ending up with them — eventually transforms and doesn’t become the end goal. That’s not to say you won’t. But—being together is not the core purpose of the journey. Having one or both of the Twin Flames be married is actually quite common. I suggest that rather than look at the huge obstacles of marriage that prevent you from being together—I invite you to return to what the purpose of this journey is and remember what the source of what Twin Flames really are. The purpose of the Twin Flame journey is first and foremost a spiritual journey. Meeting your Twin Flame sends you on your spiritual ascent. Their presence in your life—and then separation in your life — triggers the deeper layers that your soul is asking to heal and clear around relationships as well as any false beliefs around relationships you may be holding on to.  All of this happens so that you can come back to the true meaning of unconditional love and reunite with the energy of you and your Twin Flame’s shared soul—which is an energy of unconditional love and unity consciousness. You already are spiritually married to them. Whether or not you end up with them is not the purpose of the Twin Flame journey. So if one or both of you are married—you can think of it as the universe letting you experience the separation in a human form. The goal is to realize that separation is an illusion and that you’re never separate from them. Just as we’re never separate from source energy. I know that’s easier said than done - I really do. Join me as I dive deeper into spiritual ascension and the purpose of this profound journey. Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet

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