Episode 018 : Jari Aarnio, part 2 of 3
True Crime Finland - En podcast av Minna

How does one go from respected and talented drug investigator to drug dealer and corrupt police officer? This is the second part to a three-part story. Please go back and listen to part one first if you haven’t already. Miika Kortekallio: Finnish drug lord Raimo Tienhaara: Finnish criminal responsible for the planning of the attack on Aarnio in 1996 Raine Sievälä: Finnish criminal, brother of Raimo Tienhaara. Was seen on security tape footage buying two phones linked to the barrel case. Pasila man: Nickname for the main perpetrator in the barrel case. United Brotherhood: Gang – Keijo Vilhunen was acting as its leader at the time. Peter-Mikael Fagerholm: Received the Loviisa barrel in 2011 as ordered by Raine Sievälä. Jykä: United Brotherhood member who was initially suspected to be the Pasila man Malmi woman: Mari Romano, one of the Pasila man’s contacts Seija Kortekallio-Lampi: Sister of Miika Kortekallio, one of the Pasila man’s contacts Lasse Aapio: Helsinki police force assistant manager Saara: Sex worker whose story led to an investigation on Aarnio Susanna Reinboth: Reporter for Helsingin Sanomat and the co-author of the book Keisari Aarnio Minna Passi: Reporter for Helsingin Sanomat and the co-author of the book Keisari Aarnio Trevoc: Technology company Pasi Patama: Founder of Trevoc Jouni Viitanen: Founder of Trevoc Instia: Company owned by the sister of Vilhunen Petri Rainiala: Helsinki police narcotics division senior officer belonging to Aarnio’s inner circle Ari-Pekka Koivisto: state prosecutor in charge of the investigation into HPN that started in 2007 Keijo Vilhunen: Finnish criminal, former leader of United Brotherhood Mikael Runeberg: NBI investigator who later moved on to work for the HPN, belonged to Aarnio’s inner circle Paul Perovuo: lawyer who helped Aarnio draft investigation requests during the first investigation into the HPN and acted as a defense lawyer in the first part of the barrel case Pekka Anttila: reporter for Suomen Kuvalehti If you want to know more about this case, I highly recommend a book called Keisari Aarnio by Minna Passi and Susanna Reinboth which is also my main source of information for this multiparter. Unfortunately, the book is only available in Finnish for now. This episode is brought to you by Sudio Sweden. Get 15% off your purchase by visiting https://www.sudio.com/ and using the offer code FINLAND15 at checkout! Podcast promos for this week : Eye for an Eye and Mens Rea A big thank you to Swindled, Cambo from True Crime Island, Strictly Homicide podcast, STAT! and Getting off Podcast for supporting me on Patreon! Patrons will get these episodes on Jari Aarnio ad-free. If you also want to support me and get bonus content in return, head on over to https://www.patreon.com/truecrimefinland Are you interested in advertising on this podcast? Find out more at https://www.advertisecast.com/TrueCrimeFinland My podcast merchandise store is at https://www.redbubble.com/people/tc-finland/shop Art is by Mark Pernia. You can email him at markperniaa@gmail.com Music is "Night" by VVSMUSIC You can email me at truecrimefinlandpod@gmail.com with any questions, suggestions or feedback. iTunes reviews are also much appreciated. You can find all my episodes on https://truecrimefinland.squarespace.com or wherever you get your podcasts. Also, please feel free to join the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/507039419636994/) for the podcast. In addition, I’m on Twitter at tc_finland