PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio #1303
This Week in Amateur Radio - En podcast av George Bowen, W2XBS - Söndagar
PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1303 - Full Version Release Date: February 17, 2024 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's edition is anchored by Chris Perrine, KB2FAF, Denny Haight, NZ8D, Don Hulick, K2ATJ, Dave Wilson, WA2HOY, Will Rogers, K5WLR, Marvin Turner, W0MET, Eric Zittel, KD2RJX, Bob Donlon. W3BOO, George Bowen, W2XBS, and Jessica Bowen, KC2VWX. Produced and edited by George Bowen, W2XBS. Approximate Running Time: 2:03:56 Podcast Download: https://bit.ly/TWIAR1303 Trending headlines in this week's bulletin service 1. AMSAT: GreenCube IO-117 Continues Operations Beyond Expected February 5th Passivation 2. AMSAT: JS1YMG: Decoding The First Moon Based Ham Radio Station’s Telemetry Signals 3. AMSAT: Satellite Shorts From All Over 4. FCC: The FCC Bans Robocalls With AI Generated Voices 5. Earth Has Received Power Beamed From A Satellite In Space For The First Time 6. ARRL: Senators Wicker & Blumenthal Introduce S.3690 To Eliminate Private Land Use Restrictions on AR 7. RAC: Barrie Crampton, VE3BSB, appointed to Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame 8. ARRL: Amateur Radio As An Educational Tool Represented To Policymakers In Washington DC 9. ARRL: Highlights From The 2024 Orlando HamCation 10. ARRL: Veteran DXpedition Leader Bob Allphin, K4UEE, SK 11. ARRL: Registration Deadline For The HamSCI Sixth Annual Workshop Is March 1st 12. ARRL: Errata to the 2024 - 2028 Amateur Extra-Class Question Pool Released (Updated) 13. WIA: Hams In Australia Have New License Procedures Taking Effect 14. European Space Agency Proposes New Ham Satellite Payload, Seeks Comments 15. Amateur Antennas Would Be Protected Under Proposed New Law In South Carolina 16. DMR TGIF Founder EA7KDO, Mitch Savage, SK 17. L3 Harris Technologies Prototype Antenna System and Satellites Receive High Marks 18. Jose Jacob VU2JOS Receives Lifetime Award 19. Hawaii Amateurs To Develop Emergency Simplex Radio Net 20. First Responders In West Virginia Organize A New Ham Radio Club 21. FCC: FCC Moves To Add 13 New Languages To Emergency Alert System On Radio 22. ARRL: ARRL Board of Directors Meets - Headquarters To Close on Presidents Day 23. Upcoming contests, conventions and hamfests 24. ARRL: Amateur Radio goes to high school in New York City 25. ARRL: George Washington's Birthday will be celebrated by three separate radio clubs 26. ARRL: The DX Mentor Recognition Program is announced 27. RSGB: Amateur radio license changes begin this month in the United Kingdom 28. ARRL: Monthly Volunteer Monitoring Program Report. Plus these Special Features This Week: * Our technology reporter Leo Laporte, W6TWT, takes a look at why you really don't need certain types of software on your computer. * Working Amateur Radio Satellites with Bruce Paige, KK5DO - AMSAT Satellite News * Foundations of Amateur Radio with Onno Benschop VK6FLAB, answers the question, "What is an Amateur Radio Emergency Response?" * The DX Corner with Bill Salyers, AJ8B with news on DXpeditions, DX, upcoming contests and more. * Weekly Propagation Forecast from the ARRL * Bill Continelli, W2XOY - The History of Amateur Radio. This week, Bill takes us in The Wayback Machine to December 7th, 1941 during World War Two when the FCC issued Order 87 which shuts down amateur radio in the US, and creates, WERS, the War Emergency Service. * RAIN: The Rain Report we will hear an interview with Alex Muzyka, the man and mind behind the his KQ2H 10 Meter FM repeater in the Catskill mountains of New York. ----- Website: https://www.twiar.net X: @twiar Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/twiari RSS News: https://twiar.net/?feed=rss2 Automated (Full): https://twiar.net/TWIARHAM.mp3 (Static file, updated weekly) Automated (1-hour): https://www.twiar.net/TWIAR1HR.mp3 (Static file, updated weekly) ----- Visit our website at www.twiar.net for program audio, and daily for the latest amateur radio and technology news. You can air This Week in Amateur Radio on your repeater! Built in identification breaks every 10 minutes or less. This Week in Amateur Radio is heard on the air on nets and repeaters as a bulletin service all across North America, and all around the world on amateur radio repeater systems, weekends on WA0RCR on 1860 (160 Meters), and more. This Week in Amateur Radio is portable too! The bulletin/news service is available and built for air on local repeaters (check with your local clubs to see if their repeater is carrying the news service) and can be downloaded for air as a weekly podcast to your digital device from just about everywhere. This Week in Amateur Radio is also carried on a number of LPFM stations, so check the low power FM stations in your area. You can also stream the program to your favorite digital device by visiting our web site www.twiar.net. Or, just ask Siri, Alexa, or your Google Nest to play This Week in Amateur Radio! This Week in Amateur Radio is produced by Community Video Associates in upstate New York, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. If you would like to volunteer with us as a news anchor or special segment producer please get in touch with our Executive Producer, George, via email at w2xbs77@gmail.com. Also, please feel free to follow us by joining our popular group on Facebook, and follow our feed on X! Thanks to FortifiedNet.net for the server space! Thanks to Archive.org for the audio space.