132 / 4 Steps To Setting Boundaries with Amy Worthy
This Is Woman's Work with Nicole Kalil - En podcast av Nicole Kalil, Bleav - Onsdagar

Lets face it, we can ALL still get better at creating and communicating BOUNDARIES. I mean, I train on this topic on occasion, I covered it briefly in my book, and I STILL find myself, on the regular, in situations where I didn’t hold to a boundary or didn’t communicate it in a way I feel good about, or in some cases, didn’t communicate my boundary at all… which leaves me feeling frustrated, resentful, disappointed, and exhausted. I’ve asked Amy Worthy, High Performance Business Coach and Psychotherapist with 20 years of experience working with mindset, high performance and habit building, to join us today to cover this very important topic that we’ve covered before (Episode 72 if you’re looking for more on boundaries). If you say no in a kind, responsible, or professional way, and someone gets upset, that doesn’t mean you should have said yes. You are not responsible for other people’s reactions, you can only be responsible for YOUR choices. And if you say yes, even when you meant maybe or I’d rather not, then you need to own the resentment and frustration you feel and use it to fuel your next no, or not yet, or yes but with these expectations. Yes and no are powerful words with extreme clarity. We should probably be using them with more power and more clarity. To learn more about Amy and her work go to: www.nextlevelwealthcoach.com You can follow her on IG @amynworthy To access her free resource go to: https://nextlevelwealthcoach.activehosted.com/f/10 To learn more about what we are up to outside of this podcast, visit us at NicoleKalil.com.