43: Modern JavaScript with ES6 & ES7
The Web Platform Podcast - En podcast av The Web Platform Podcast - Måndagar
The world of JavaScript is a large one. AJ O’Neal (@coolAJ86), Podcaster & JavaScript Developer along with Netflix UI Architect & TC-39 Member, Jafar Husain (@jhusain) take us through opinions & facts about the state of the ubiquitous JavaScript language. Modern application development can daunting for developers just coming into web technology & JavaScript. Utilizing the latest & greatest in the language is not as easy as one might think and in some case it may be possible.
Then there are the transpilers & package managers. So many tools to polyfill or shim and features seems like more work than we’d want for a fast production project. Is it worth utilizing the benefits of ES6 & ES7? AJ & Jafar share with us what they think.
ES6 Support Table - http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/
ES7 Support Table - http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es7/
ES Discuss - https://esdiscuss.org/
Subscribe to the ES Summaries Mailing List - https://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/es-discuss
Some features explained - https://github.com/lukehoban/es6features
ESFiddle - http://www.es6fiddle.net/
One of the best blogs on JavaScript - http://www.2ality.com/
Using ES6 is io.js - https://iojs.org/en/es6.html
TC-39 - http://www.ecma-international.org/memento/TC39-M.htm
Jafar’s talk on ES7 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqMFX91ToLw
JSJ on ES6 (older but good) - http://devchat.tv/js-jabber/068-jsj-es6-with-aaron-frost
Adventures in Angular ES6/TypeScript episode -
The Extensible Web Manifesto = https://extensiblewebmanifesto.org/
Jafar’s Ng-Conf Falcor talk -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiO1f6h15c8
HTML5DevConf : Asyncronous JavaScript at Netflix - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uxSu-F5Kj0
Douglas Crockford - http://javascript.crockford.com/
daplie.com - https://daplie.com/
DotNet Rocks 1099 Digging into Javascript 6 with Jafar Husain - http://www.dotnetrocks.com/default.aspx?showNum=1099
JSJ The Koa Framework with Gerred Dillon and Will Conant - http://devchat.tv/js-jabber/117-jsj-the-koa-framework-with-gerred-dillon-and-will-conant
Dev Mountain - https://devmounta.in/
Danny Blue - Front End Engineer at Deloitte Digital
Erik Isaksen - HTML5 Google Developer Expert & Front End Engineer at Deloitte Digital