108 - How to Find Love In The Face of Adversity with Amberly Lago
The Resilient Minds Podcast - En podcast av Eric Balance

Life is a beautiful adventure, but it is also a journey full of trials, tests and challenges for each one of us. We can't know what other people are going through, so there is no sense in comparing our different situations, but there is one thing we can all do to improve our situation. Find reasons to be grateful. Even in the darkest moments, even when you feel at your very lowest. There is always something that we should recognize as good in our lives, whether it be another person, a fortunate position, opportunities ahead of us or just the divine glory of your purest inner self. By reorienting your mind away from destructive emotions like anger, fear or listlessness, we tap into the universal power of love, compassion and strength. Amberly Lago has experienced her share of challenges in life, and through it all she has learned how to be a more loving person, how to let go of anger and transform it into clarity of perspective. It has led her to the conclusion that no matter what small things might stand in our path, whether in the world around us or in our own mind, the best thing we can do is focus on what's really important. She was able to find gratitude in situations which most of us would hope never to experience, and has become such an inspiration for so many people in the process. Like with everything else, your reality starts within your own mind. Starting with a strong foundation of loving kindness, free from fear and anxiety, is sure to help us overcome whatever challenges life might send our way. So give yourself the best possible start to every day - you deserve it. Amberly Lago is a peak performance coach, TEDx speaker, podcaster, and a leading expert in the field of resilience and transformation. She is the best-selling author of "True Grit and Grace" and empowers people around the world by sharing her story how she turned a tragedy into triumph. Through her book, coaching methods, and workshops she has curated unique tools to teach others how to tap into their superpower of resilience and persevere through any of life's challenges. "Change is possible. Hope is available. The choice is yours." - Amberly Lago -- Connect with Amberly Lago: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1PfuUb5fgT90e29aDKB6nQ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amberlylagomotivation/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmberlyLagoSpeaker/ Website: https://amberlylago.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/amberlylago?lang=en LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amberlylago/ -- Hit me up on social media and say hi! Youtube: https://bit.ly/35nJ0uV Podcast: http://new.ericbalance.com/podcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericbalance/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ericbalancecoaching Website: