Sunday School: "I'll Believe In God If You Can Answer These 7 Questions."
The Pat Flynn Show - En podcast av Pat Flynn

Eric (co-host of Sunday School) has an older friend named Chuck who used to be Christian and then became agnostic a few years ago, around the same time as his brother. Chuck's brother said that if we (Eric and Pat) could answer these 7 questions without reference to faith, a "Holy Book", or a "prophet", then he would believe in God again. Plus, he said he would give us a jar of hot sauce. Sweet! ... Recommended Resources & Related Episodes For a more in-depth explanation of arguments for God's existence, please reference my series (and companion) on natural theology here. Also, you can hear my (Pat's) conversion story on Polycarp's Paradigm here. ... The Pat Flynn Show If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you could subscribe to, and leave a review for, The Pat Flynn show on iTunes HERE or Stitcher HERE. Reading your reviews and hearing your feedback is what keeps me fired up to make The Pat Flynn Show happen. Thank you!