Episode 21: I Want to Be a DJ... Now What??
The Passionate DJ Podcast - En podcast av David Michael

Episode 21 - How to Become a DJ! Hi folks! It's time for another edition of the Passionate DJ Podcast. Like our last episode, this one is a sort of "audio version" of an existing article... my most popular post to date, "How to Become a DJ: The Ultimate Guide". If you don’t have time to sit and read, you can listen to this version on-the-go! http://www.passionatedj.com/howtodj In episode 21, I go over the ten steps needed to get started on your journey as a DJ. This one is great for beginners, those who have been out of the game for a while, or just those DJs who like to go back and pick up anything they may have missed along the way. This episode is all about: - Learning what DJs do, and why different types exist. - Helping you find your initial focus. - How to start learning the basic skills (and what they are). - Building your initial brand and following. - Pursuing your first DJ gigs. Resources mentioned in this episode include: - How to Become a DJ: The Ultimate Guide http://passionatedj.com/howtodj - Virtual DJ http://www.virtualdj.com/download/free.html - Mixxx http://www.mixxx.org/download/ - Traktor Pro Demo http://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/traktor/dj-software/traktor-pro-2/demo-version/ - Best Controllers 2015: The Ultimate Guide http://passionatedj.com/controllerguide - Video explaining how phrasing works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9TU3NA1DcM - 5 Tips for DJ Happiness http://www.passionatedj.com/5-tips-for-dj-happiness/