#154: My Best Score Ever - Finally Breaking Par with Wells Adams
The Par Train - Helping Frustrated Golfers #EnjoyTheRide - En podcast av The Par Train - A Mental Golf Show - Söndagar

Wells Adams (@wellsadams), guest host and bartender on ABC's Bachelor in Paradise, hops aboard the Train to not only share a few Bachelor secrets but more importantly tell us how he broke par for the first time. This is a brand new mini-series where we break down how those magical rounds actually occur. Full disclosure: Evan's first round after this interview tied his best score ever so Wells' mentality works! PAR TRAIN LISTENER EXCLUSIVES: Want to get coached by the bestselling author of Zen Golf Dr. Joe Parent and Par Train Co-Host Evan Singer for an online 90 minute workshop? Sign up asap before the seats sell out. October 6 at 5pm PST but will also be sent out as a recording for those that can't make it live! https://www.thepartrain.com/event-details/the-par-train-x-dr-joe-parent-mental-game-workshop-1 Performance Apparel: Want 15% the best fitting performance golf apparel in the game? Tap this link bit.ly/3myURyP and you'll never wear anything other than Rhoback again.