'Do You Know Who I Am?' + london adventures + david is mistaken for another celebrity (episode 83)

We had a lot of fun with this weeks podcast, we're touching on a number of things that happened to us during our london trip! this podcast is sponsored by Organic Basics. go to https://www.organicbasics.com/mustard and get 20% off your first order :) let us know your thoughts @themustards_ on instagram Buy Jenny's book here: US: https://amzn.to/2IJpJrA Uk: https://amzn.to/2JuyIBB DE: https://amzn.to/2MgpYg8 WORLDWIDE SHIPPING !!! we talk about : David gets mistaken for a celebrity at a Stella Mccartney event! Where are we moving? David is jealous of how famous Jenny is Our listeners are bookstore vigilantes What does cis stand for? What did we think of London? We force our way in to an event Jenny feels like a country bumpkin David had enough of Berlin David explains why everyone is wrong about gentrification check out our latest vlog: https://bit.ly/2xEMbOm love // jenny & david For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy