Xochil. // No Chill.
OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - En podcast av Skrillex
They're gripping at straws to make me look and feel crazy which can only mean— He's losing his power. Hopefully he's expecting another baby. Hopefully, for the ba's sake and its mother, it's not a little girl. Even my big and strong boy might be irreversibly damaged at the hands of a psychotic narcissist with anger problems—and though surely he had tried to kill me any way he could, I had survived. Now, the tables had indeed turned in my favor. With enough time, the truth would be revealed not only to those above, but to all who knew us; I hadn't lost my mind at all, only finally found a pair of eyes that could see the world around me that they did not like—and a pair of legs to run away from it. The first time my ex husband actually hit me— he had snapped, and though there had been other counts of shoving,heavy handed close calls and other questionable events in the years leading up to this, it had never been what it turned out to be his fist actually connecting with my face— not just once, but several times over and over until something got in the way— even years later, I didn't know what, but maybe just that I had stopped moving, or struggling to get away. “Play dead.” Maybe he thought I was dead—or maybe I was. Everything since in the nearly eight years after seemed an inescapable and hellish nightmare—inescapable, that is, from him. Or, from “it.” The thing that had tried to kill me That even after assuming an entirely new identity and seperate life, this dirty, lazy, disgusting and altogether unllpleasant energy seemed to follow me everywhere—and worse—this energy seemed to crawl into the other humans surrounding me, and like a parasite, never letting go. I wanted to die as much as anything just to never be reminded of him again. My thriving and success would make him look like a fool— more of one, anyhow, and either way— his jealousy of my life without him made it obvious how little and weak he actually was, though not on purpose, and, in some ways—many small ones, I had succeeded. Suddenly, everything became battlegrounds—fighting for my life as if somehow I were still in my abusers presence and grips—the devil in him seeking me out in the world as if I had deserved it in the first place. No one really deserves to die like that/- Especially not in front of their children. Now at least I knew he had no power alone, but that what one would The Devil itself often lived inside of the weak—weak in spirit, weak minded. Feeble and malleable, often fat and lazy people, it had become obvious— that people were the tools for this force to deplete the light and kindness, the good spirit and soul's purpose of others. I had forgiven him, but something indeed had rotted away the core I thought once shared into a blackened depth if awful waste—the things about him belonging to a world I wished never to see or be part of. I had grown, and changed—and I was sure with time so had he; perhaps not, but I couldn't know and wouldn't want to, wishing only for the best for anyone's sake. But this thing that seemed to follow me was a pitiful, screaming l and evil thing—I had let go with the consistent reminders of the permanent scars left in the crevices of my lip, and on my face—and though an entire child and perhaps several women between us, his need vengeance that I had left must have been mad, as the sweltering parasitic welt that riled up with enough fierceness to crawl into other sunken bodies, and surround my every waking moment. Not his power, at all, but a greater force of evil—the evil of all mankind—Satan himself seemed to have chosen me as his prey, my abuser as the illusion of conception. There for I, There for I, There for I, None! As truth did shatter mine ever being, And also Ever person near WHO VALIDATED THAT BITCH'S PARKING. —you think she drove here?! —if she did it would be on a broomstick. Goddammit. Get her out of here! Out! I said! You're…not a fan of Fallon's, are you. No, I'm not. (No—God, no.) Well, why not? First of all, he winks at people. ;) *cringe* Like, off camera. JIMMY O'FALLON And I want damages. Damages?! Damages. He's seeking damages?! To what. JIMMY O'FALLON Like, my entire—everything. Damages to everything. My entire life! Ah. [The Festival Project ™] I've got to admit, being sued hy Jimmy Fallon is probably the most exciting thing that's ever happened in the entirety of this series! What about that thing with Skrillex. (That was pretty exiting.) Which thing with Skrillex? All the things with Skrillex were pretty exciting. (Admittedly, yes.) Then there was Dillon Francis. I hate Dillon Francis. Exactly. Why! Because he excited you. Next question! Ahead. Yo. I finally get to link up with Supacree. You're a mess. Everything is a mess. The world is a mess. —your mom's a mess. Amanda, please. Have you been drinking? How long has deadmau5 been a cat? Forever, I think. Exciting! Enter through the exit! Enter through the exit! Who the fuck let you in here. {Enter The Multiverse} MARTHA STEWART'S plan for world domination is complete. L E G E N D S Johnny Moon was a handsome fellow; Johnny Moon was a Sam as well. Johnny Moon was a madman also; Johnny Moon had indeed done bad. Johnny Moon was a handsome devil; Johnny Moon was a charming man Johnny Moon went to heaven after Johnny Moon finished in Hell. Welcome To The Wonderful World of… | The Complex Collective © | By [The Festival Project ™] Breaking down that one scene from Ascension. How the fuck did these two actors even get into the realm of ascension? Being honest, I think it's that part of the dream like in The Wizard of Oz and/ or Alice in wonderland where everything just kind of bleeds together into one blurry weird world before it all explodes—or implodes— Whatever, just kill yourself. (On my way.) Titus- Jason Sudakis Perscimmion - Will Forte Why. I don't know why. The King just fucking guess . (I'll let you decide.) Titus and and Perscimmion— One argues this character's name is actually “Persimmon”… i've generally myself no preference but though I had first heard it as “Simeon”— Apparently, actually, “Perscimmon”, or “Persimmon”, the former however not accurately as in other contexts, he is sometimes referred to as “Perci” Whatever. Why is this Will Forte. *shrugs* Cause whatever, I don't know. (I like his socks.) Titus and Perscimmon— Perscimmion Whatever. CUT TO: /Bedtime Stories with Chak Chel —or was it, Chak Chel's bedtime stories. Whichever. No one cares. THE COSMIC AVENGER/SUPACREE Ugh grow up. KIRSTEN SHAAL Or is it Kristin? Ugh K, SHAAL It could be whoever, or whatever— anyone— right? GOOGLE KID 1 But it's not whoever. GOOGLE KID 2 It is whoever. GOOGLE KID 1 It's just two actors! GOOGLE KID 3 —then pick better actors! watch it! K. SHAAL It could be whatever, it could be whoever… I could be whoever! I'm whoever. It doesn't matter. CUT BACK TO: {Enter The Multiverse} L E G E N D S Dissecting this recent excerpt from Ascencion © The Festival Project, Inc. 2019 All rights reserved. — have just discovered the King's seduction of a lady in waiting; the reigning Queen of her own dominion, betrothed to another, also presumed to be in his own right, a King. As scholars and members of the high court, both Titus and Perscimmion are groomed to keep watch over the happenings within each quarry, as given jusrisdiction by the Asended Mastery to spectate freely throughout all lands, and as such; they often travel—often in pairs or groups. Titus and Perscimmion Persimmon Whatever. —have quickly departed, haveing spotted the King far out of bounds, to which the King quickly launches after these two Kingsmen in pursuit, and though their loyalty lies within no singular dictation, they somewhat begrudgingly agree it best to keep the King's secret, after he wearily explains to the men, as his friends and genuinely that he feels he has fallen truly in love with her. KING IV Titus! [Titus is annoyed and expecting there to be a fight] TITUS Mellow. (Chill, bro) KING IV Be bold, you! (If you have something to say, then say it now and let's duke it out.) TITUS Never—mellow I am, as are we. (Nah, I'm chillin. We cool.) (I'm good, he's good—we chillin.) PERCI Chaos, you've spelled it. (You've opened a can of worms, dude.) (You got us all fucked up.) (You fucked up.) KING IV I've spelled then many words For our wise, Nevermind before you found her waiting, Dusk was fallen And here you, cry out such a task- To have found her in waiting, Not I or heavy bound, But yet with lust, The breath of motherdom on her wicked truth The tied you have counted, For I wisked away with every since Your true intent, persist, I may. The King implies here that he's made many conscious choices and has been playing at this game as a King, to which that only other royalty might understand, the strife of making hard decisions in which case, others might be hurt— or even killed. He explains that he and this Queen have found common ground, confining in one another's understanding of hardship as leaders, And that their attraction to one other has grown from this trust —naturally, and out of control; as he sees her maternal prime has approached; he suggests that he means no harm at all, but urges the men to think about what they plan to do with the discovery of their possible affair—nearly asking “what exactly do you plan to do with your knowledge of this?” (Are you finna tell on me?) (Who you finna tell?) TITUS Now. (Yo.) (srsly?) [Titus is a bit pissed that the king would turn it around to imply that his knowledge of this secret could do more harm than the secret itself; he is quite visibly angry.] [Perci keeps the peace by holding his friend back.] PERCI Mellow. (Chill, bro.) KING IV You found for call my wants; Shallow, as it may My need ne'er far behind the broken, Does call to you, brother, And you also, For I widow in thought, My fury (I'm a man; I have needs— I often put my needs as a King behind that of ny entire Kindgom—you're both men; so you know how it is; the feelings I have can't be ignored—it's primal.) A tear. [sarcasm. He's suggesting “cry about it.” Or “why don't I believe you?” Or, blatently—] (Cry me a river!) A tear, you ask But one does not cry as I seek Fair judgement and ridicule, Severed heart I, Come now awakened in To her, A dusk had come, Though night was golden A dawn arose with fury in my bosom Mine love awakened [He implies to lose his composure would show weakness—the King also implies here that he does, however, feel horrible about it; that he expects to be reviled, killed, or even dethroned—that his heart has truly broken as he has discovered something new in him; he has fallen in love with her. That after spending the night with her, he had become anew.] TITUS Not love, but—[he begins to argue that it is only lust] PERCI Seldom! (Yeah right/ that's rare.) KING IV Love, I bear you mine honest hands, The wilted rose, Blood upon thornes, Truly marks I who has come To wake in her (I'm telling you, I'm really in love with her.) [the king pleas that painstakingly so, his love is pure and true] PERCI Then. (Whatever.) [Titus gives up and agrees] TITUS So, I mellow. (Okay, okay.) [finally Percimmon speaks his mind] (Or whatever the fuck his actual name is) ::||pause. By now it ought to be obvious to you, dear reader and listener, that I am in fact, dictating this—translating these things for you sent from some faraway higher realm, for the sake of the art and with the purpose of your understanding my true intentions, as fellow human and as a writer, to live in the way I desire, honestly and wholeheartedly, without further interruption to my sanctity and wellness, in peace— Until my departure from this world. Does that quite say it? I don't know. Whatever. ::||Unpause. PERCI (By the way apparently some decendant or incarnation of the God Percius, son of Zeus) PERCIUS PERSCIMMION SIMMEON PERSCIMMON PERCI (You get it, right?) Mits infinite, And for the sake of this concept, Let's just consider this— All the same fucking guy, Or at the very least, Very closely interacting versions of this same guy Within these parallels Of time and space Wherein these worlds And realms Exist. Okay? Ok. Good. Proceeding. [this dude's pretty much been quiet the whole time but now is a little tiffed himself.] PERCI Did you fear for not The death that approaches, For now you call I, And our brethren here, For siren had sounded to wake, You in the light and there destined to love By blood is bound, And yet you wait, here now on high Calling to us, havingbeen hound by light, Whether you did, or did not forsought Come as foreign And leave again Worried, feather feared at all That by this blood, you too shall weep, To reap again what you sow Or shall they say, As punishment, For cause just binds?? (Did it bother you at all to think that not only you might get killed, but get us all killed?! Now you're asking us to lie for you— because all of a sudden, you're in love with this woman; a blood oath set in stone, and her having been betrothed— and here you come, running after us, after it finally occurs to you—whether you meant for it to happen or just “didn't think about it”, went all this way just to fuck shit up (complicate things), then come back home freaking out, running around like a chicken with your head cut off (acting like a crazy bird about to get eaten) saying that, whoever has to hurt or be killed over all this, you feel really bad about— but overall, know you what's coming to you, and you know, and I know, and he knows that we'll probably just all be better off not telling anybody about this…at least for now… but eventually, someone's bound to find out about this, and the less people “know”, the better…right?) KING IV Now. (Yeah.) TITUS I second. (I agree.) KING IV Here, too, I second, I third, even for not I as you, And you both as I, And how, The sun has set upon us, Why, death is sure to come As I rise, But give me no mercy, this Mellow now, I only beg What here has transpired Silence here, Between myself and I— Brethren. (So we all agree that it's better that this all just stays between us.) [the king implies that either way the truth will probably come out and he will die for it, but for now, the secret is best kept between them, with the understanding that they too could be killed in the vengeance and damage of the truth being told sooner than later.] Steady ye we all sigh as one. (I'm basically you.) / (if any of us go down, we all go down.) Steady ye as my death is yours. (We are one) (we're fucked, but whatever I guess.) Steady be my tongue as forced to lie with sacred heart true love does lie. (I hate having to do this but my love is true) So be it. (Fine) So, then. (Very well then.) Honor thy pardon. (Thank you guys.) Off, then. (Just …go.) (Get out) [the king quickly vanishes into the night] Damn, that took me longer to decode than I actually spent writing it. You—wrote this? I… Whatever. [The Festival Project.™] The Complex Collective © COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -Ū.