{Pulp Fiction}
OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - En podcast av Skrillex

Want the dakota and I got it Fanning I deflated I'm like Peyton Manning Previously on {Enter The Multiverse} Season 6 DRAKE BELL enters DTLA smokeshop. NICK You know who that is, right? Before: Tell me she remembers High possibility she doesn't remember anything at all. Great. Also. A high chance— That she remembers everything. Oh! Like all of it. Even worse. That might be worse— —it might be better. But it isn't, Either way! We lose! Great. Good luck, Timmy! Who the fuck is Timmy? You are! What! Good luck. So he enters and exits— In two entirely seperate dimensions! Not even parallels. Not even close. In fact, Once he enters, The world he leaves behind is forever gone. Forever gone?! Woah! Woah! Except those other guys from Nickelodeon, Because they have a Time Machine. Wooh, Phew. That's good. Yes it is. Wait—we have a Time Machine? Yes. That's good. Wher THE FOXXXYBOXXX arrives. “the Foxy Box?!” No, the Foxxxy Boxxx What— What are you dickbags staring at. Nothing. Goddamn! Shut up! That is the sexiest Time Machine I've ever seen! Have you ever seen a Time Machine at all, before this? I—I don't know what I've seen before this. Whatever. I like your box. Shut up. I like your box, too… Shut up. Get in. Where are we going? I don't even care. To Wonderland! {Enter The Multiverse} The first one might not fly, but the second one's for sure a hit. I found out there was wax on my apples today for the first time, and I thought “well, that's gross. Counting cards, are we? Another writing assignment. They're all writing assignments… You were dead once— —or I will be soon. Your choice. (Up to you) It's always my choice. You don't have acknowledge us as ‘ghosts' It's just that— We are what we are. To speak without speaking To know without knowing Cut ties with it all— With it at all? It could be worth it, If the salamander ever speaks again? Well, you are alive, aren't you? Only at the wishing well. —last I checked, in chains I was. I wish I were a rockstar. Consider it granted, unless— Unless, what? You'd rather yourself a comedian. Why would I want that? Why wouldn't you? I went full screen for Whoopi Goldberg but absolutely died At gene wilder. You'd better not. How dare you, Severus? Why would you write something like this? But—why wouldn't I? I wonder if there's anything I can do to get rid of this wax— And then I thought, “Maybe I should just peel them” Then I thought, “Wax on Apples— Well that's un-apple-eal-ing” I was Wait, hold that thought It was a joke my was a joke that practically wrote itself, cause it's not a fucking joke, it's true. I could see it, but not hear it The words, music, The art, animated My fasting eyes were wise with time And love forever As if I am, As if I was — At once all things, But not at all. Could have been better. What happened yesterday? My spirit broke. Just fasted to acid I yawned when it dawned on me, I eat when I'm awful, I'd rot in my body For time and for all words, For forwards.c for four words I haven't been loved since The door closed On more curses. I haven't taken a time to be honest In heartthrobs— Four of them, really But after all, I've got my all stars. Come to find out, The first husband in five— We're just all four. I fell out of love with a punch— But I left all my stuff there. Wondering here and there Whether or not it was Okay, this is officially the weirdest thing that's ever happened in the nevermind, that was weirder I told you bro, you were in the Illuminati. IT WASNT ME. i didn't do it. WHAT IN THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO [HER] [HIM] —NOTHING. Great. !9/ I have to wash all my socks. No, your dick still sucks. what. sorry dude. Second yawn, now know I'm on one The glass door passed out the fast words With honors and ornaments Sing to get off of the wire We fly to get on to it —how it all works out in the end, (It was always a puzzle.) That's enough of the sermon, The sponge, —it's all masters and mistresses The sodom, the stop watch The pocket —I saw Eddie Murphy The wonderous web that I spun after all Was a fortune, a fountain, a father A figure A falcon Enough was enough —but it all just kept going (Like over and over) I just want a lover, Without all the falling (Not actually alice) I lost all my change And my passion Just using the bathroom —were we past that. I use helicopters for time travel Over the mountain I probably never came down And I never went back there. It was roped off. I'm a crossroads, But they're closed off, I d got obstacles Marvelous crocs I told you it was God! (But forgot that I was one) Fuck, I'm so fucked up. This, from the ark of the story m Is every thought I've yet to have But still we're the will of the words, Since it all I it automatic. I should have paused hours ago (He had cerebral palate ir autism) I should be back at the ranch, But I've still got this taste in my mouth I should really —remarkable crush— For an infinite love, I thought. There was Severus, But you mustn't react If not wearing a mask, Or else you'll be cast on a show, Not your own, But do you get your The mushrooms were made of squishy foam and I appreciated that. Factor in this rampant rapture For m the capsule l upon us The wildebeest walked over Arches Before he as pardoned I wonder what acid reacted to Carson, on honors I polished the ghost On the worst of the wrongs I'd not done yet Therefore, you are. On Halifax, Or ahalycon, For artifacts Or dinner dates I once mated with a bird And flew the coop, Not shortly after, But What in the fuck am I watching What the fuck YO. Nobody told me about this. You greedy bitch. I—yeah whatever. Which road shall you go Which road shall you take You have to move on Though you tremble. X quake Whatever, I'll keep that typo, I gotta finish this joke. I was reading this banana bread recipe1- Not because I don't know how to make banana bread. Banana bread is easy. I was just trying to figure out how to make it Without eggs And without baking soda —you know, for texture. So I google this recipe, And I don't know what made me actually click on the recipe. — The rabbit has human hands. —I don't . Yeah, sometimes it's best to leave them in the mystery, Leave “them” Who is “them”? I am alone! …you were always alone. Okay, Or is it a donkey? What in the fuck? —-Oh, nevermind, that's me. I'm gonna want that “air trumpet. “ Return to the land of mirrors And “why are you still here's” They say the fame changes you I think we really are all that The time and the wise And the wicked The nine mirror cycles The sons of the songs you wrote All the the god and the sun you are Goddamn it, Just finish the joke! (You should finish me off first.) So I click o. This recipe Here we are counting cards again… YOU DID THIS IN ON PURPOSE, Are you serious, I did this in “post” Shut the fuck up, you didn't edit that video yourself —I didn't even shoot it, Aha. “The Art of the— —but which Alice is Alice. IT WASNT ME. The joke's not as funny after all this. (Not my fault, it's automatic. ) No, there's no ‘Nothing' In here, We all thought it was over, Then then I wondered How to old it all in Blow out the candles, Come over, The wonderful world of — You know, I can't see now, I'm hearing my faults— Are you sure it wasn't over. Would I forget you if it weren't for a word To remind me which part of I you are Simple sameness I am hungry, But the day was undaunting I was almost over it Now back to nothing— Since I belong there. There was no book four before. I should keep metronomes and impartial clocks Not for timekeeping, But soundbathing Something about it tells me to drown out my sorrows With cellibacy And alcohol It all come back to haunt you When you have a daughter— Now doesn't it? How does it go? It goes The heart screams I've got to go home But the head doesn't want to The soul cries for someone to hold it Outside of the body The water went up, Then went down Till we ran out of all of it —I was just making a mockery Of my own mother. (I was aborted.) You might let that cat out of the bag. The recipe started, Here we are in a house of cards And it all falls down Or goes up in flames Oh, to love the fire, Though I'm so tired I would write For the times If I was Inspired Shift the subject Life the veil, And break the worth wall Break the curse Or write the wrath of karma Shopping malls And quarter horses, Blow up dolls And mattresses, Perfect persons, Sayers, Singers, dancers Character actresses, Theatre dictations You see the same, I saw, I went It's all one column now (The middle) The ensemble was fireworks And wellbeing For all the struggle The clock struck minus one At unimportant. —The facts. I took priority for phone calls And piety for beings of dignity Honorary, further off then comfort Just a world away Or are you being Suffered, or sufferable? Surfaces for surfboards— Words of will for honeycombs And gingerbread for Anastasia Sure Google, But it was “Amistad” Whatever that was. I could have figured you were bigger than interesting Never would have guessed We'd have it for us eating on the cardboard Cutouts Matchbox offerings From dawn until sunset Porpoises, Toilets and Gold watches When will it work? When you sing what you want to At will With your heart And above all the offers Took love over money I'm 5 minutes over. #ff [The Festival Project ™] {Enter The Multiverse} The Complex Collective © The recipe started with something like, “Growing up, there were two things my mother and I often baked together: chocolate chip cookies and banana bread.” I paused for a moment and thought of myself and I, and then I thought– “okay, sure, yeah” Growing up there were two things my mother and I often baked together: Ourselves. Lol. hehe [That's The Punchline] –Maybe the first one was better [The Festival Project ™] -Ū. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2019-2024 | THE COMPLEX COLLECTIVE. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -Ū.