Principles of Life
Curiosity Chronicle - En podcast av Sahil Bloom

Welcome to the 1,456 new members of the curiosity tribe who have joined us since Friday. Join the 53,312 others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week.And if you haven’t already done so, check out the Where It Happens podcast! Follow us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, plus subscribe on YouTube so you never miss a beat.Today’s newsletter is brought to you by Eight Sleep!Eight Sleep has legitimately changed my life.Great sleep = great performance. Sleep is the secret weapon of the world’s top performers. Thousands of CEOs, investors, and operators—and this humble newsletter writer—rely on the Eight Sleep Pod Pro to power their performance. It has patented technology to help you sleep at the perfect temperature all night, which research has shown can make you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper—so you can wake up energized to attack the day.Special Offer: For a limited time, Curiosity Chronicle subscribers can use the special link below to get $250 off on their first Eight Sleep purchase!Today at a Glance:I recently found out I’m going to be a father. In reflecting on my own life, I sketched out a long list of principles I hope to teach my child as they grow up.While I readily acknowledge that he will—as I did—have to fall painfully to learn many of these, I will do my best to teach—and embody!—all of them.Perhaps I need to lower my expectations and embrace the chaos. I’ve never really been the type to walk away from a challenge, though, so consider this piece my stake in the ground.Principles of LifeI recently found out I'm going to be a father.I’ve always considered myself something of an introspective individual—I try to reflect regularly on my motivations, mistakes, learnings, principles, and frameworks. I find that the act of reflection provides value—it helps the good stick and the bad wither.So perhaps it isn’t all that surprising that the news of my upcoming responsibility raise—to that of “Dad”—has taken my introspection to another level.With that in mind, I sat down recently to sketch out a long list of principles of life—formed through my failures, missteps, stumbles, and successes—that I hope to be able to teach my child as they grow up.While I readily acknowledge that he will—as I did—have to fall painfully to learn many of these, I will do my best to teach—and embody!—all of them.With that as a backdrop, here are the 20+ principles I hope to teach my child to live by…Be InterestedTalent is overrated—interest is not.What does it mean to be interested? Interested people are prone to giving their deep attention to something to discover more about it. They ask questions, listen, & observe. They open up to the world around them.Being interested is a key to a fulfilling life.Show Up in the Darkest HourIt's easy to be there for people to celebrate their wins. It takes character to show up for them in their darkest hour.People never forget who supported them when the chips were down.Be the friend who is always there—in good times and bad.Different is BeautifulWhen you’re a kid, you’re told that different is ugly. Growing up, I feared being different—I desperately wanted to fit in, but I couldn't figure out how.Was I Indian or white? Was I an athlete or a nerd? The struggle to conform to a single identity led to bad decisions grounded in insecurity. The reality was I was all of those things. I was just different.It took growing up and a lot of mistakes and soul searching to realize: being different is an edge—it’s the ultimate competitive advantage.No one can compete with you, at being you.Work HardIf you want to accomplish anything in life, you have to work hard. Full stop.But beware the hype. Hard work isn't the sexy, flashy social media posts saying "rise & grind”—it's the ugly, painful effort in the dark, when no one is watching.If you want something, go get it. Period.Be Kind to OthersKindness remains severely underrated.It fosters relationships, reduces stress and anxiety, and improves overall happiness.When you are consistently, genuinely kind, you become a magnet for the highest-quality people.Change Your MindWillingness to change one's mind is a rarity in today's society.It's great to have a strong view, but always open your mind to counterarguments.Stubborn objection to alternative perspectives stalls progress. Strive for strong opinions, weakly held.Operate in Your Zone of GeniusYour Zone of Genius is where your interests, passions and skills align.Operating in your Zone of Genius means playing games you are uniquely well-suited to win. Once you identify it, you can stop playing *their* games and start playing *yours*.Be AccountableA sad, troubling reality: Life isn't fair.But instead of wasting energy on every obstacle in your way, focus on what you can control and how you can break through the wall.Stop looking out. Look in. Own your s***.Listen More & Argue LessHave you noticed that the most argumentative people rarely persuade anyone of anything?The mo...