“I feel like so much of why cat’s get a bad rap is because they seem to be juxtaposed to dogs and dog behavior.”
Today we wanted to share an episode of Kindred, a podcast hosted by sisters Kate Coffin and Jenn Asplundh. It explores the intricate and interdependent relationship that humans have with animals and nature. Their episodes are always intriguing and we thought you'd enjoy their show as much as we do. In this episode, Kate and Jenn speak with Dr. Kristyn Vitale, whose work focuses on companion animal behavior, specifically cat social cognition, cat behavior, and human-cat interaction. Kristyn walks them through why cats can be misunderstood and how we can understand them better, and busting myths that have persisted for far too long. Turns out Spot and Fido aren't the only ones who can be taught how to sit, stay, and roll over! We hope you enjoy their show and if you'd like to learn more, you can visit kindredpodcast.co and if you'd like to binge all their episodes you can find Kindred on Apple Podcasts and most other podcast platforms. Resources for This Episode
Dr. Kristyn Vitale, Instagram @maueyes https://maueyes.com/ Netflix's Inside the Mind of a Cat Mentioned in the Intro: No, It's Not Actually a Murder of Crows by Nicolas Lund Find out more info and message us at kindredpodcast.co and follow them at: Instagram - @thekindredpod Twitter - @the_kindred_pod Facebook - @thekindredpod Support Kindred on Patreon - kindredpodcast