Episode 351: Wrong Way to Cincinnati
The 2 Half-Squads: Advanced Squad Leader Podcast - En podcast av The 2 Half-Squads

Don't take the wrong way to Cinicnnati. ASLOK's not there! ASLOK was near Cleveland, in Aurora,Ohio as a matter of fact. this show features two of our interviews from the tourney. The first is with Ed Beekman of the North Texas Shootout Tournament. Ed discusses his gaming background and the Northern branch of the ASL gaming groups. And he offers a copy of "A Fistful of Scenarios Pack" as a prize. Offer ends 11/15/2024. Dave Wiesanhahn joins us and gives us the scoop on the DC Conscripts. SHOW TIMES 0:02 Song "Wrong Way to Cincinnati" 3:40 Banter 16:10 Interview with Ed Beekman25:10 What Have You Been Playing Lately?DC Conscripts Game Day 31:00 Interview with Dave Weisenhahn51:51 Total Running Time LINKS DC CosncriptsASL North Texas Shootout LYRICS by Dennis Donovan The Wrong Way, to CincinnatiOff to CincinnatiWent some ALSOK noobs one dayThey were chomping at the bit and couldn’t wait to play.Bringing ‘long ASL goodiesfood and lots of beerTill a wife she got frustratedAnd said “Listen to me Dear!” Chorus Go to Cleveland, not CincinnatiThat’s the wrong way to goGo to Cleveland, not CincinnatiRe-read the directions, Joe!Good luck, darling husbandHope you make it there.Don’t take the wrong, wrong way to CincinnatiBecause ASLOK’s not there. Joe he sent a rebuffTo his wifey MaryJoSaying, “Should we not quite make it,I will let you know!” “If I make mistakes in driving,Mary, dear,” said he, “Remember, it’s the map that’s bad,Don’t lay the blame on me Chorus Go to Cleveland, not Cincinnati... “We can’t seem to find ASLOK,we must be close, you know?Would you check on Google MapsAnd tell us where to go?” “Head northwest from Cincinnatilook for the hall of fame.If you can get there in a hurryYou might have time to game!” Download this episode (right click and save)