#223: Katherine Trebeck meets Sustainababble

Sustainababble - En podcast av Sustainababble: comedy, nature, climate change.


A 'wellbeing economy' sounds like the sort of economy that might not ruin everything, and in that sense we are very much behind it. But it also sounds like the sort of thing that we don't really know what it is. HOWEVER, this week's guest - writer, researcher, and advocate for economic system change Dr Katherine Trebeck - very much *does* know what it is, and is spearheading efforts to get Governments to actually prioritise wellbeing.We sit down with Katherine to find out where this all sits on the scale of Goldman Sachs to Kum Ba Yah, and how people can get involved in making it a reality. SPEAKING OF WHICH, please sign this splendid petition asking the UK govt to put the health of people and planet first https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/580646 Find out more about the Wellbeing Economy Alliance at weall.org and check out Nicola Sturgeon's Ted talk on why governments should prioritise wellbeing, as mentioned by Katherine, here https://www.ted.com/talks/nicola_sturgeon_why_governments_should_prioritize_well_beingSustainababble is your friendly environment podcast, out weekly. Theme music by the legendary Dicky Moore – @dickymoo. Sustainababble logo by the splendid Arthur Stovell at Design by Mondial. Ecoguff read out by Arabella. Love the babble? Bung us a few pennies at www.patreon.com/sustainababble. MERCH: sustainababble.teemill.com Available on iTunes, Spotify, Acast & all those types of things, or at sustainababble.fish. Visit us at @thebabblewagon and at Facebook.com/sustainababble. Email us at hello@sustainababble.fish.

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