[#176] THE LAND BELONGS TO WHOM IT BELONGS, Part 3: American Dirtbags in Ottoman Palestine
Subliminal Jihad - En podcast av Subliminal Jihad
Dimitri and Khalid continue their multi-episode journey into the actually existing history of the geographic region known for millennia as Palestine, and the actually existing people who inhabited it under (mostly) uninterrupted Ottoman rule from 1516 to 1918. The burgeoning soap and cotton economies in Jabal/Nablus, the rise of an Arab petty bourgeoisie merchant class in the 19th century, the establishment of the autonomous mutasarriflik of Jerusalem in 1876, Abe Lincoln’s rudely interrupted California/Jerusalem travel plans, the weird German etymology of “Philistine” as a slur against townie chuds, the post-Civil War explosion of bourgeois US tourism, the popular American notion that Palestine was forever “cursed” because the Jews rejected Christ, Mark Twain’s bestselling travel satire “The Innocents Abroad”, comparing the Sea of Galilee to Lake Tahoe, doing a heckin’ irony comparing Palestinian Jews and Arabs to American Indians, “Palestine is Dream Land”, the Mark Twain Dirtbag Tendency in American travel journalism, his legendary bit fake-weeping over the grave of “Adam” in Jerusalem, the comic destruction of all authority/mowing the grass for new regimes of bourgeois capitalist commodification, “Tom Sawyer Abroad”, “pure theology by the laws that protect real estate”, Israel’s status as the ultimate irony-pilled smol bean country, and more. Track IDs: Muslimgauze - Submit to Sharia Muslimgauze - Shadow of the West Muslimgauze - Return of Black September For access to premium episodes, the full SJ back catalog, show notes, and the Grotto of Truth Discord, subscribe to the Al-Wara’ Frequency at patreon.com/subliminaljihad.