BTW 58: Page of Pentacles – Finding Your Purpose
Strange Magic Podcast - En podcast av Amanda Yates Garcia, Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs

Welcome to our first episode on the court cards! The Page of Pentacles teaches us how to find our gifts, and more importantly, how to enjoy them! Court cards are our most requested cards, because they’re so puzzling. Court cards can teach us about the masks that we wear and the personas or roles that we take on. They can indicate personality types. They can also help us understand where we are in our processes of transformation. The Page of Pentacles is the Child of Wisdom. They are practicing becoming secure in a world that is inherently unstable and constantly changing. The person in this card is GIFTED, and their task, and your task (if this card comes up for you) is to figure out how to share that gift with the world. Tune in to this episode for a discussion on how to recognize your gifts, what gifts are, medieval roles and what they have to do with us now, magical stones, astrological correspondences, Vikings, the Princess of the Echoing Hills, mitochondrial eve, and where you need to go to call in the power of the Rose of the Palace of the Earth. Join us! To find out more about our workshops either scroll down or visit our website. To leave a review of the podcast on iTunes, open your Apple Podcasts APP and scroll down to the comments. Or you can try to click this link (sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't depending on your set up). Find us on Instagram at: Podcast: @Betweentheworldspodcast Amanda: @OracleofLA Carolyn: @CarolynPennypackerRiggs