990 Climate Reporter / Heated.world Emily Atkin on COP 28 scandals
Stand Up! with Pete Dominick - En podcast av pete dominick
Stand Up is a daily podcast. I book,host,edit, post and promote new episodes with brilliant guests every day. Please subscribe now for as little as 5$ and gain access to a community of over 700 awesome, curious, kind, funny, brilliant, generous souls Check out StandUpwithPete.com to learn more Emily Atkin the author and founder of HEATED, a daily newsletter dedicated to original accountability reporting and analysis on the climate crisis. Her reporting is excellent and I support her with a paid subscription. Please consider it. Previously, she was the climate staff writer at The New Republic, and the deputy climate editor at ThinkProgress. Her pieces have appeared in Newsweek, Slate, Mother Jones, and other places. Emily's mentor was the late investigative journalist Wayne Barrett. Send Climate Story ideas to emily(at)heated(dot)world. Or find her on Twitter. The Stand Up Community Chat is always active with other Stand Up Subscribers on the Discord Platform. Be sure to visit https://www.patreon.com/PeteDominick/membership and scroll down where you should see a "Connect to Discord" button. You can also look at https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards- for more info. Join us Thursday's at 8EST for our Weekly Happy Hour Hangout! Pete on Tik Tok Pete on YouTube Pete on Twitter Pete On Instagram Pete Personal FB page Stand Up with Pete FB page All things Jon Carroll