Secular Sexuality 07.15 2020-04-16 with Christy Powell, Vi La Bianca, & Other Guests
Secular Sexuality - En podcast av Atheist Community of Austin

Mailbag episode! We have several friends on to help us answer emails, and field a few calls in between. Our hair is getting wild and wooly. Which breaks first- the quarantine or will we finally give in and cut our own hair?First up, we have an email about sapiosexuality. Is not even a thing right? If we start letting all these made up identifiers in, won’t it allow the heterosexuals to sneak into queer spaces? (I doubt it.) Shannon Q clarifies and expands on her answer from a previous episode.Next, Serafina Smith responds to an email from a listener who has always identified as male and is now questioning their gender. Can you really be nonbinary or female if you have masculine hobbies, a beard, or even a deep voice?Caller Sean’s friend is both gay and religious. He knows that he’s going to heaven, but is awfully quick to tell others that they’re going to hell. How do you deal with such double mindedness?Jordan calls in to ask questions about Transexuality. Why do people want to identify as something else? Is it all in their heads? Does it even matter? Is gender a spectrum?Rachel from Atheist Vanguard answers email - I’m going to meet my friend’s significant other who’s in the middle of transitioning- what can I do to be welcoming to her? Rachel recommends to Ask Transgender on Reddit! Bob calls in- he’s a non offending pedophile, talking about it for the first time. He’s in the heart of the bible belt, and it’s hard to find a good therapist. Self Care is hard when you’re taking care of everyone else.Last caller Drew is trans and “low-key disowned” by their God fearing Baptist parents. They want to transition medically , but may get cut off from their family entirely if they do. To complicate matters, they have a younger sibling they want to stay in contact with.Finally, the last email is read by Objectively Dan. Emailee is a bi woman dating a man. She’s interested in dating women, he’s brought up having a threesome. Also, her parents are Catholic. No easy answers here!► Don't like commercials? Become a Patron and enjoy ad-free content:► Podcast:►Shop Secular Sexuality merchandise at:► Join the conversation on our Facebook page: