Weekly Horoscope: The Best Time For Starting New Things in 2023

Quietmind Astrology — Learn Vedic Astrology With Jeremy Devens - En podcast av Jeremy Devens

Get your free birth chart and schedule a reading at http://www.quietmindastrology.com. This week has some powerful, practical energies that are great for starting new things and getting more organized. Here's an example of the detailed horoscopes you can get sent to your inbox for free. This week's email includes similar notes for all the transits: Mon, Feb 6 8:09AM Sun in Dhanishta for 13 Days The firey, percussive rhythms of Latin music are a good example of this kind of energy. You can be expressive, social and move with the rhythm of life at this time. There is great potential for fame and wealth if you improve your performance in any area of life. You may uncover unresolved relationship issues that are difficult to address at this time and may be better handled after this transit. Give and receive advice and emotional support Do something musical or artistic such as create art or dance to music Wear gemstones or high value items, aligning with your sense of wealth, which is the meaning of the word Dhanishta Watch 1-minute horoscopes on Instagram: @QuietmindAstrology Watch 1-minute horoscopes on TikTok: @QuietmindAstrology Subscribe on YouTube: Quietmind Astrology Thanks for listening! Jeremy Keywords: Astrology, Jyotish, Vedic Astrology, Quietmind, Quiet Mind, Jeremy Devens, Horoscope, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Moon, Aries, Taurus
, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, 
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Nakshatras, Nakshatra, Predictions

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