Dingo Bingo Bongo

Noodle Loaf


We were sitting here eating gustew when who should stop by?  Adam Gardner from the big deal rock band Guster.  Not only is he a talented musician but he also knows a LOT about what's an instrument and what's an animal.  He helps us out with the today's trivia game.  We also have a very special echo song about all the kinds of beautiful families there are in the world and more!

A Family Can (Echo Song/Pitch Matching) ✪
Trivia: Instrument or Animal w/Adam Gardner (Music Appreciation) ✪
You Make The Story (Improvisation) ✪

GUEST: GUSTER's Adam Gardner

SURVEY:  https://goo.gl/forms/1yJRztipkHLzV8e52 (THANK YOU IF YOU'VE SUBMITTED ONE!  IT'S SO HELPFUL!!!)

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Want to add your voice to the Noodle Loaf choir?
The echo song and instructions are here. Find us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram or write to us at noodleloafshow@gmail.com.