#77 - Discover how ‘LAZY’ is a great title to be labeled if you want to be a successful CEO as Jim Schleckser shares some unique skills.

Mutually Amazing Podcast - En podcast av Mike Domitrz

Jim Schleckser shares how the “Kink in a Hose” approach is the key to great CEOs being successful and HOW successful CEOs tend to live very balanced lives. Mike Domitrz asks Jim how boundaries and respect is key to living a full life while being a strong leader in an organization. And discover how to gain feedback from others without letting it bother you.   * You are invited to join our community and conversations about each episode on FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/MutuallyAmazingPodcast and join us on Twitter @CenterRespect or visit our website at http://www.MutuallyAmazingPodcast.com**     Jim’s BIO: Jim is the CEO of the Inc. CEO Project and helps leaders grow companies. He specializes in the issues that fast growth firms experience in their business models, talent, processes and systems as they reach higher levels of performance. Jim and his team work with over 100 CEOs of high growth companies to identify and obliterate the things that stand between them and continued organizational success. These firms represent nearly $20 billion in revenue and 100,000 employees.   With 30 years of leadership in business, he brings experience in leading global organizations in both public and private environments across many functional areas to the table. His most recent firm had a valuation of $1.6 billion.   He has been quoted in the New York Times, Time, Huffington Post and National Public Radio. His ideas have been translated into 9 languages and he has done business in over 27 countries.   Jim Schleckser is the author of the best selling published book, “Great CEOs are Lazy”, detailing the behaviors that make the difference in CEO performance. You can get more information at www.GreatCEOsAreLazy.com   His insight is sought by dozens of CEOs of growth companies around the country. If you want straight, strategic advice on your business problem - you have found your guy.   He has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware and an MBA in Marketing and Finance from the University of Connecticut.   He serves on the board of Defenders, Daniel Defense, AltoVista and Youth with a Mission - San Pedro, DR, a missionary organization.     He is a Certified Sommelier, avid soccer player, prolific reader and recently climbed Kilimanjaro. He resides in Potomac, Maryland.     Links to Jim: https://www.inc.com/jim-schleckser/seven-secrets-of-successful-people-to-living-a-balanced-life.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CInHrUs5eb8 www.IncCEOProject.com -- CEO Peer Groups www.ProfessionalDrinking.com -- Advice to professionals on wine and spirits Twitter: IncCEOProject     Books Jim Recommends: Dale Carnegie - "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living"   YOUR HOST: Mike Domitrz is the founder of The Center for Respect where he helps educational institutions, the US Military and businesses of all sizes create a culture of respect throughout their organizations. From addressing consent to helping corporations build a workplace free from fear (reducing sexual harassment and helping employees thrive by treating them with respect every day), Domitrz engages audiences by sharing skill sets they can implement into their lives immediately. As an author, trainer, keynote speaker and coach, Mike Domitrz loves working with leaders at all levels. Learn more at http://www.CenterForRespect.com

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