Buying Online Businesses With Little To No Money That Will Make You A Millionaire | Sophie Howard (Replay)
Millionaire Mindcast - En podcast av Matt Aitchison

In this episode of the Millionaire Mindcast, our guest is an incredible woman, Sophie Howard who shares a rare success story on making herself a millionaire in buying online businesses with little to no money, as well as provides tips on business model that generates good profits, assessing what is a good deal, and the importance of having a quality team in online business! Sophie Howard is a mother of two young children, entrepreneur, author of 11 books and has recently published the Freedom Navigator, and owner of the Aspiring Entrepreneurs, an online community designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs build a business and a life that serves them. Also, she is a speaker who provides powerful advice on starting and growing a successful online business. She has been working online for 10 years now. In 2023, she started her online business with an Amazon business which she sold for over $1 million USD in 2015. She has been completely digital starting COVID. Sophie launched over 1000 educational programs teaching thousands of students how to sell online. She wanted to have a better lifestyle and financial freedom while raising her children. Some Questions I Ask: For those that don’t know who you are and what you do, I’d love you to share a little bit about your journey? What are some of the starting gates and disciplines introduced to somebody to at least get one foot in the arena of buying online business? How ChatGPT is factored into that SEO and content curation over the last six months? What does that look like for you to avoid some of the mistakes that you made earlier on when buying online businesses? How do you structure the purchase? What are some of the routines and rhythms, and discipline that you do in consistent being on this path? How much does somebody need to start this online business? What is it that is striving you on your financial freedom goals? In this Episode, You Will Learn: Why buying an online business is really a good strategy. Criteria & steps on buying an online business. What are some good online business model. The biggest skills on managing an online business. Resources Mentioned: Quotes: “You chose your own world and that is such a luxury.” “Even if it starts really small, there’s nothing like your own freedom.” Connect with Sophie Howard on: Freedom Navigator book Sponsor Links: HelloFresh: Visit or Use the code 50MINDCAST to get 50% off plus free shipping! Caldera Lab: Visit or use the code MINDCAST to get 20% off! Accredited Investor List - Text "DEALS" to 844.447.1555 Free Financial Audit: Text "XRAY" to 844.447.1555 Upcoming Events: Text "Events" to 844.447.1555 Millionaire Notes: Text "Notes" to 844.447.1555 Connect with Matty A. and Text me to 844.447.1555