9/18/21: Canon Law

Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

Can't trust the news anymore; What about churches?; False Christs deceiving many; Covetous practices; "Works" are evidence of salvation (or not); Upsetting the lie; "Christ" commanded US; Our mission; Death rate manipulation; "Age" is a morbidity; Arsenic and green wallpaper; Protecting young and old; Seeking solutions; 2 Cor 3:6; Body subject to spirit; Spirit of love giveth life; Hate?; vs Loving your enemy; Canon law; Justice or legal systems; Greek "Kanon" = straight measuring rod; Are you on the straight path?; Responsibility; Executive orders; Supreme moral authority?; Church established by Jesus Christ; Turn to His spirit; Applying the law; Statutes of Moses; John 8:44; Devil: father of lies; 1 John 2:4; Keeping commandments; Church = called out - government; Rhomaios vs Roman citizen; Idiotes; Forced contributions are not OK; Attacking delusion; Living at the expense of your neighbors; Jerusalem's righteous king; Love = charity; Therapy for strong delusion; Oregon October showdown; What needs to happen; 1 John 2:22; Cognitive dissonance; Absolute truth; Vaccinations; UN Universal declaration of human rights; Bioethics; #6 - informed consent; No forcing your neighbor; Stop dividing; Social Security is same as Corban of the Pharisees, making word of God of none effect; Repent and come together in name of Christ; Full armor of God; God's love - hot coals for you?; Coming in Christ's name; Seek kingdom of God and His righteousness; Being the government of God - of, for and by the people; Take care of one another; You choose: kingdom of God or kingdom of the world.

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