8/5/23: Expounding on Ecclesiastes

Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

Paper letter; Understanding charity and compassion; Squashing Corinth; Linking to Ukraine; Cleverness of the wicked; Polybius and Plutarch; Toxic charity; Charity->Anticipation->Expectation->Entitlement->Dependency; Lifestyle; Ecc 12:5 Almond Tree; Thomas Sowell; Distributing responsibilities; Your duty; Worship?; Doing the will of the father; Network of righteousness; shin-kuf-hey - to give to drink; Flourish?; Or Despise?; Lam 2:6; Ps 74:10; "Blossom"?; hey+shin-kuf-dalet; Grasshoppers; The problem is us!; Casting your bread upon the waters; Being awake; Hating the truth; Knowing God eschews anger; Humility; Direction of your journey; "Rome" as a metaphor; Relationship of the states; Residents vs citizens; Original republic; Moses' government; Precedent; Christ's "weightier matters"; Juries; Waiving your rights; Changing your direction; "Born again"; Human resources; Carnal mind; Tree of knowledge of good and evil; Accessing past and future; Creation; 2nd hour summary still to come...

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