8/17/24: Mark 6
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Demoniac/Legion controlling man's actions; Casting out; "Country" = "chora"; Or "patris"; Sophistry; Two trees to help decisions; Energy (dunamis); Pastors as leaders; Guided interpretation of scripture; Drawing near Holy Spirit; Corban = sacrifice; Abundant life; Other Jesus's; Spiritual influence on you; Tree of Life; Mark 6:1; Country (patris); Nazareth?; Mt 13:58; Speaking in synagogue; Lk 4:23; Astonished and offended by Jesus; What is Jesus saying?; "Essene" and "Nazorean"; Lovers of soft things?; Washing off iniquities of the world; "Synagogue"; Which polis?; Untranslated double words?; Mt 13:57; Lk 20:23; Following lies; Hiding the truth; "Logos" (word of God) = right reason; Orthodoxy of John the Baptist; Simon - which one?; Nicodemus; Is 8:14; Is 49:7; Is 53:3; Leaving the presence of God; Sacrifice for the good of others; Giving liberty to apostles; Sending out two by two; Gathering locally; Allowing rejection; Symbols of faith; Teaching imaginary Jesus; Not to be that way; Mark 6:14; Herod's daughter?; Jesus's system of charity; Herod's fear of John the Baptist; Keeping your word; Holy Spirit on Jesus and apostles; Mark 6:30; Influx of people; Community? Common union; Taking care of the needy; Pure Religion; "Pagans"; Freewill vs compelled offerings; Astonishing and offensive; Welfare snares; Repentance; Biting your neighbor; Seeing what you do not want to see; Coming out of their polis to follow Jesus?; Christ commanding disciples; Mark 6:39; "Commanded" = "epitossin"; Mark 6:27; Acts 23:2; Greek words translated?; Jesus rarely "commanded" men; Companies and ranks; Common efficient method of organization for communion; Taking time to organize in Tens (symposia); Families with the men; Organization seen throughout history; Militia; Binding with love; Natural sharing; Hollywood portrayal of feeding; Fasting while others eat?; Common followers of disciples' examples?; The greater miracle; Volunteerism; Righteous sharing - not a snare; Going home with new friends; Will your faith last?