7/24/21: Amos 7
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Minor prophets - how it relates to us today; We make mistakes!; Learn or suffer; Two kingdoms divided; Kingdoms today; Early American freedoms; "grasshoppers"; Fire(wood) stories; Ebb and flow of disaster; Nature's compensation for dearth; God's interaction via creation; Swarms of offices; Pelosi on abortion; (No) Poverty in the kingdom; Necessities of a free people; Our reaction to plagues; Depending on Pharaoh?; Who to believe?; Volunteerism in action; "Decimation"; Free societies work together; Why people came to America; White Pine confederation; Amos' symbolic poetic idioms; gimel-vav-beit; grasshopper symbolism; Teachers' unions - not kingdom solution; Governments won't change until men change; Rationalizing rioting and looting; Minding nature's rules; Plumb line of righteousness; "The Way"; Where's your share?; "Permitting"; "cash"; Amos 7:2; Kings and officers not leaving much for the people; 1 Sam 8; God's repentance; Aiding one another; "The Way" of Christ; Prophecy for our time; Blaming Amos; Who is Amaziah?; Farm-flocked sheep; Weakened (conquered) people; Lady Godiva's "way"; Standing with your neighbor; Who is "Israel"?; Have you gone into captivity?; Senseless abortion; Being prepared; Examine your sources of information; Amos waking up people; Israel's cancel culture; The Saul Syndrome; How you are rejecting God; Social atheists; Guaranteed spoils; Problems with your thinking; Creeping evolution of permits (tyranny); The solution: Loving your neighbor; Recognizing the harlot; Preaching repentance; Imaginary righteousness; Amos 7:17 - detailed scrutiny; "polluted"; "forth of his land"; "sanctuaries of Israel"; "high places"; "desolate"; Deadly vaccinations; Going under the sword; Cancelling seers; Repeating historical mistakes; Care for your neighbors; Pelosi, your high priestess; Are you following Christ?; Sacrificing to save others; Legalizing sin; Repent!