6/5/21: Usurpation? Or Sloth?
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Networking without Internet; New CDC reporting numbers; Deception; Abandonment of "the republic"; "We the People"; US Constitution; Nonsensical arguments; Mission for Christ's ambassadors; Covetous practices; Thinking like Christ; Fraud?; Legal title; Real bondage/merchandise; Daily ministration; Following the Holy Spirit; Are you owned?; Christ = king/anointed; Canaan invaded?; Kingdom-seeking work; Family is key; Reversing covetous practices; Meditation; "United States"; "Act of 1871"; Where you are at today?; Your cleverness is not the answer; Repentance; Right to choose; Seeing the big picture; Christ's solution; "Tens"; Living Stones; Golden Calf; Abraham history; "Many souls"; Who to follow; Pursuing righteousness; Admitting you've been wrong; Establish relationships; Invest in others; Called out; Finding truth; Christ won - conform to Him; Research these topics on PreparingYou.com and HisHolyChurch.org.