6/22/24: John 21
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
The final chapter of the "beloved disciple"; Having the conversation; Debating; Determining importance; Guarding Christ's tomb; Resurrection; Cross of Christ; Practicality of Romans; Professional army; Early Israelite philosophers; Seeing death as a sleep; Importance of doctrine; Jesus coming for non-Judean citizens?; Herod's baptism; Converse vs debate; Other "gospels"; Working out the puzzle; Understanding like Christ; Dead Sea scrolls; Born again?; Anti-Christian doctrines; "world" translated; Reading with context; Revelation; UFOs?; Inspiration; Evil spirits?; Killer sheep?; Doubting Thomas; Disobedience; Fleeing the light; Going fishing; Full moons; Admiring Israel; Studying scripture? Or doing?; "Corban"; Extending information to you; "General Welfare" - promote; Giving power to government; Familiarizing yourself with John 21; Spirit involved with the physical; Willingness to see truth; Team effort to fish with nets; Mt 26:29, Lk 22:16 Eating and drinking; Lk 24:40; Kingdom fulfilled?; At hand; John 21:9; Querying Simon; Repetition; Word (logos) of God; Characteristics of a shepherd; Loving God; "Feed my sheep"; Welfare systems; Two tables; Rightly dividing bread; Justin's apology; "Son of God"; Charity; Hearing God's guidance; John 21:18 Verily, verily = principle; Your choice to make; Peter's death?; Mission of feeding the sheep; The comforter; Living in light or darkness; "Naked"; Repentance; Tree of knowledge; "Glorify" (doxazo) = think like God; v24 - written by another; Understanding John and the rest of the bible; Holy Spirit; "contain" - receive (not ready?); Your choice of tables; Kingdom of God = government of, for and by the people; King Jesus; Temple made of men; Job for ministers; Feed His sheep.