6/1/24: John 18
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
False doctrines; Reading contextually; Making the word of God to none effect; "right" opinions of Christ; "glorify"; "logos" = right reason = the Word; Superstition; Natural selection vs Evolution; "name" of God; Whole truth - including inconvenient verses; Imagined righteousness; Call no man father; Freewill offerings vs forced; John 18 betrayal of Jesus; Intentions to kill Christ; Stoning?; Things Jesus accomplished; Moneychangers; John 18:1 Jesus in the garden; Firing moneychangers; High Priest; Temple treasuries; "Corban"; "gazophulakion"; Bible about government - just and unjust; Arresting Jesus; Caesar assassinations; Republic = power/responsibility in hands of the people; Peter's swordplay; "Malchus"?; High priest forces making arrest; "Religion"; Binding people together by caring; Addiction to benefits degenerating society; Israel's kings; Jesus goes to Annas; Replacing high priest; Being attentive; Discovering truth; Christ said not to exercise authority; Betraying Judas?; Caiaphas high priest; v14 expedience - necessary for Jesus to go away?; "Horns" of the altars?; Caiaphas: instrument of God's will?; Judging a moment; Disciples; Nicodemus?; Peter's denials; Avoiding distractions; Malefactor - "Kakopoios" = evil doer; Matt 20:19 lifting up; John 8:59; Acts 7:51; Unable to crucify Jesus? Why?; Why was it important to kill Christ?; Reversing executive orders; Rome's purpose in Judea; Your rulers; Christian persecution; One purse?; Covetousness; Sureties for debt; Social Security; The inconvenient truth; Modern pharisees; Perfect savages; Apostles robbing the temple?; Pilate and Jesus; Understanding Passover; Falsifying Jesus' kingship; Not of this "world"; 16th amendment?; Christ commanding disciples; Christ's Sanhedrin; Hearing Christ's voice; Releasing Barabbas?; Pilate advocating for Christ; Integrity; "Son of God"; Pilate's wife; Returning to bondage of Egypt; Just don't!