5/6/23: Turtledoves
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Finished Exodus; Most are clueless about the bible; Strong delusion; Today's bondage (of Egypt); Turtledoves?; Gen 15:9; 400 years of bondage; Livestock surveys; Pound of flesh; Sacrificing a dove?; tav-vav-resh (turtledove); *And* gimel-vav-lamad (young pigeon); Blind leading blind; Severity of covetousness; Following the taxation money; Seeking His kingdom and righteousness; Commands to be fruitful and multiply; Women vs girls; "I know where I'm going"; Burnt offerings; Leviticus "turtledove" yod-vav-nun-hey - from "wine/vine"; (Jonah?); Extra Hebrew letters; "Meat offering"; mem-nun-chet-hey; Temple granaries; Government subsidies; "Covenants of the gods" book; Grain reserves; Theocratic socialism; Bonds of love; Wealth in the kingdom; "Fair share?"; FDR's New Deal dictators; Balaam and Nicolaitans; Selling yourselves into bondage; Sons of God; Julius Caesar and the Gauls; Covetousness = idolatry; Col 3:5; Constantinian Christianity; "Leaven" of the Pharisees; Who will see this?; Mt 20:25; Mk 10:42; Lk 22:25; Acts 17:7; Jesus, the other king; Constantine's formation of church; Repenting and building Christ's network; Living by faith; Sin offerings; Widow's mite; Strengthening others; Business of the tabernacle; Peace offerings; Melchizedek; Ante-up!; Widows; Congregations; Trespass offerings; Wave and heave offerings; Share this message.