5/27/23: Propaganda
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
"Make America Clean Again"?; Humility to being wrong; Relearning Hebrew; Rebuilding the temple; Pure Religion; Propaganda Gospel?; New Testament "world"; "Propaganda" defined; Disinformation by government; Changing your thinking; Corban of the Pharisees; Teachings of John the Baptist; "Polis"; Baptism; Synagogues; Organizing in Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; Propaganda of John the Baptist?; Political Jesus; Offices of August Caesar; Commander in chief; Setting people free; Redemption; Bondage of Egypt; Weakening Sodom; No exercising authority over your neighbor; Opposing Capitalism; Origin of the Federal Reserve; Propaganda regarding Social Security; Name-calling; Illegal propaganda; Charity alone; Cheating welfare; What made America great; Transfer propaganda; Taking care of the needy; Freedom of Speech; Testimonial propaganda; Bandwagon propaganda; Legality of Propaganda; Paying government to lie to you; Legal Charity; 10 USC 2241a = propaganda within US; Unconstitutional government officers; Oregon Article 2 section 22; Blind eyes; Legal communism; Organize Christ's Church today; Anti-propaganda acts; Hatch Act Modernization Act of 2012?; Getting the world system out of you; "Public Diplomacy"; Cloward and Piven; Bearing false witness; Owing taxes; Preparing for the failure of the unrighteous mammon; Guidance by Holy Spirit; Pressing state propaganda to US population; A corrupt populace; Private ownership of "public" systems; Early understanding of the Gospel; Rekindling morality; Ex 23:1; Mt 5:39; Firstfruit giving; Mt 5:43; Taking back our responsibilities; Propaganda in the Garden; Gen 3:4; "Propaganda" origins; 1066 tax encouragement; Turtledove; Mystery of His Kingdom; Personal sacrifice; Sophistry; The cure for depression; Modern Church not teaching the Way; The divine spark in you; Using HHC networking tools; Participate!