5/2/20: The Law of Nature - MUST HEAR Episode!
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Kingdom of God "at hand" = now!; Not when you die; Law of Nature; Do you sit in darkness?; What strong delusion?; Instructions to be Christians; Salvation; Kate Brown news; Re-opening economy?; Joining the Living Network; Gregory history; US Constitution not of God; Bondage of Egypt; Understanding history; Samuel's warnings; US/Rome similarities; Think Kingdom!; Not against the world; What authority does world have to make you stay home?; What you can do;Where you are at; Word of God; Fallacies of world governments; "logos" -> logic; Distinguishing characteristic of Christians; Republics don't have rulers; Executive orders; Robert E Lee; Citizenship; State rights?; Becoming citizens of heaven; Bubonic plague story; Understanding the science; Body harmony; Miracle of reproduction; Allowing God to write on hearts and minds; Law of Nature = divine will = right reason; Truth about yourself; World ruled by lies; What Christ said to do; Law vs Legal; "City"; Metaphysical jurisdiction; The kingdom "way"; Whose table do you eat at?; Continuing the "shutdown"; Vaccines vs Herd Immunity; God's amazing invention of you; Christian posers; Heavenly "conversation"; What Paul was doing; Roman temples; "Covenants of the gods" book; Disobeying Christ; Gathering in righteousness; Who is your king?; How they get you; Kingdom tracks; Jesus healing the blind man; "shutdown" will effect generations; Basics of the gospel; What heaven looks like; Stealing the Ark; Pure Religion; The problem is us; Holy Spirit is your salvation; Horses, carts and mules; Having a humble heart; Vaccine damage; Mercy and Truth; Christ's burden; Praying to men for safety; Christians aren't cowards; Israel is not a bloodline; God's covenants with you; Church presidents; Standing together; Strengthening your immune system; Learning to care; America the greatest mission field; Seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness; Strengthening the poor; Sanctifying; Why public school is evil; Absence of common sense; Vaccines and cancer; Preoccupied immune systems; Counteracting old mistakes; Origin of vaccines; Bovine coronavirus?; Share the gospel.