4/6/24: Clergy and Laity
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Bondage; Changing our thinking; Ten Commandments; Natural order of things; Family; Man-made governments; Nimrod - mighty provider instead of the Lord; Men and women; Understanding relationships; Clergy and Laity; Levite services; Social credit score; Canadian socialized medical system; Nicolaitans = conquered people; Welfare snares; The word of God; Burnt offerings; Freedom of choice; Dan 11 - Daily sacrifice cessation; Belonging to God - separate; Early American charity; Division between Clergy and Laity?; No exercising authority; "Clergy" - people ordained for religious duty; Altars - more than sheep burning; Sending community aid; "Rhomaios"; 1 Sam 8 commander-in-chief (Emperor); Saul's foolish thing; Deut 17; What priests do; LBJ great society; Power in Kingdom of God; Golden calf?; Love = Charity; Good servant parable; Modern Clergy; Learning to care for one another; "Religion"; Covetousness; Babel; Entanglement; Sacrifice of self; Pretend love; Just weights and measures; Legal title; "Pastor" = shepherd; Following the tracks (evidence); Altering history; Forcing peace?; "Laity" - those to remain a free nation; Christ's "Weightier matters"; Mercy?; Deceitful meats - benefits; Social Security Act; "Born Again"?; Tabernacles of the congregation?; Are you seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness?; Idolatry; Repentance; "Elder"; Called-out Levites; Restoring every man to his possessions and family; Free assemblies; Lady Godiva; Doctrine of Christ vs Constantine; Christ appointing His kingdom; Separate social welfare system; Signing up with Christ; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Woodrow Wilson; Interpreting like pharisees; Underwear?; Embryonic republics; Knowing those you assemble with; Justice, mercy and faith; Evidence of your love for Christ; Buddha; Brahman; Putting care into practice; Binding and loosing; Forgiveness; Minister = servant of Christ; Submitting to the will of the father; Set your neighbor free.