4/30/22: What the Kingdom of God Looks Like
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Kingdom = government, ruling authority in your life; Understanding what Kingdom and Righteousness look like; Deeds of the Nicolaitans; Error of Balaam; Bondage of Egypt; Pessary; God - giver of life; Vacant cities; Christ's free nation; "Gentile"; Careful criticism; "fake good news"; "Bishop"; Nicaean Council; Ambrose; Milan - command to become Christians; Humility; Lies accepted as truth; Threatened by opposing opinion; Twitter drama; Letting go of hate; Worshipping false images; Food shortages?; Fear and hate; Leaving judgement to God; God's pronouns?; Spiritual and physical realms; Diminishing individual value; Wrath of God; Standing for righteousness; Fear not!; Recognizing your void of Holy Spirit; Listening; Learning to follow Christ's "way"; Overseeing service; "World" power; Corporate church; "We the People"; Constitution = corporate charter; Wishful thinking; Who are you?; Knowing who you are; Remaining free; Constantine's "bishops"; Church rank in Christ's Church; Believing in symbols only; Have you gone back to the bondage of Egypt?; Lovers of darkness; "Born again"; Fruits of the Spirit; "Nicolaitans"; "Balaam"; Conquered people; Property ownership and Legal Title; Loving the light; Which spirit do you hear?; John 3:19; Filled with delusion - dysphoria about reality; Running from the Light of God; Doing truth; Redistributing wealth; Thanksgiving - happy to share; Freedom = right to choose; Sureties for debt; Welfare snare; Taxation - consequence of slothfulness; Charagma, identifying number, 666; Robbing widows and orphans; Finding true Christianity; "agape"; Do truth!