4/3/21: Government Overreach
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
What is "Church"?; Metaphysics; Biblical "Principalities"; Manifesting patterns of your chosen realm; Ekklesia; "city"; Christ's calling out; Rules for His Church; Self-organization; Power corrupts; Offices of service; Bishop; Bondage of Egypt; Slavery by redistribution of wealth; Consequences of power corruption; Back to "normal"?; Opting into private religion; Modern apostate ministers; Making the word of God to none effect; Immunity passports; Environmental Social Governance (ESG) criteria; Pure Religion; Public servants; Giving up your right to choose; Separate Church and state; Paul Revere's ride; What really made America great; Preparing You; Gregory's life moments; Humble mind-changing; Showing the truth; Establishing the Church; The new race/bigotry/prejudice; Separating goats and sheep; Contractual nature of government; Love vs force; Presidential succession; Unfixable system; Hard times to come; Imperial cult of the United States; Citizen overreach; Christ's other way; "Holy"; What will you do?