4/22/23: The Path Back
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Kingdom of God = Big topic; Graven images; What God is; The right to be ruled by God; Predestination = removing responsibility; Atheism = Products of chemistry; Pre-history; Facing truth; Blind spots; Imagination; Characterizing people; Re-presenting self; God is who He is; Created in His image; Unseen identity traits; Spiritual eyes?; Deception; Closest examination of yourself; Home schooling; Restricted dominion; God's first commandment; Two trees; Tree of Life; Categorizing information; Hearsay; Nakedness; Overcoming character flaws; Trauma-caused dysphoria; Forgiveness; Adam's path; Free countries?; Slavery; Labor ownership; Numbered existence; Openness to reality; Works; Accessing Tree of Life; Causes of your delusion; Who is your father?; Feast of Tabernacles; Seeing yourself; The world you create; Prevalent spirits in today's world; Delusions of righteousness; Disciples; The problems in you; Temples; Reserve funds; Our brothers' keepers; Free forms of government; Where our blindness comes from; Cain's way; Keeping Christ's commandments; Choice by consequence; Self-deceit; Opening your spiritual eyes; Becoming a disciple; Democracy?; Early Church organization; "Thy Kingdom Come" book; Tens Networking; Intimate relationships; Seeking kingdom; Discerning God's way is everyone's job; Sharing until surplus; Foolish virgins; Sloth and covetousness; Principles of God; Parental involvement in raising children; Ministers of service; "Disciple"; Practicing humility; Where you have fallen short; How His kingdom works; Forgiving one another; Backsliding; Blaming God?; Minister performance; Are you part of "us"?; Start your journey back now! Seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness; Liberty's up to you; Thinking a different way; Happiness; Making good choices; Finding truth; Burning Man festival; Purpose of biblical festivals; Sabbath; Honor father and mother; Dictionary meanings; Context; Religion; Forcing neighbor?; Medical care?; Stopping bad habits; Conning you; Adam's fall; Confession; Withholding judgement; Overindulging children; Recognizing your own problems; Empowering others to make choices; What made America great; Our goal; Learning Christ's Way; Being benefits to others; Punishments or gifts?; "Christian" workers of iniquity; Encouraging self-righteousness; Choosing life; vs abusing others; Bringing about change; Reflection on self; Awakenings within you; Seeing things God made; Reacting to pain; Getting the message; Loving/forgiving the pain; Healing evil within others; Receiving Christ's virtue; Hear God!