4/2/22: Commonwealth
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Paul's new words; "Messianic Jews"; Fictions and frauds; From which tree do you eat?; Home churches; Emotions impede understanding; "R"s and "D"s; Have you been had?; A place for the Tree of Knowledge; "Studying"; Being still; Russian impact on (petro) dollars; Law of Nature; Divine will; Understanding how we're going wrong; Seeing yourself as you really are; Allowing choice; Fixing your spirit; "Ideas of the Commonwealth" movie; Thomas Paine; Inflation - the secret tax; Charity strengthens; "We The People"; Universal service?; Taxation without representation?; "One purse"; Prov 1:10; Taking away from others; Doctrines of Jesus; Tweedledee and Tweedledum; Recognizing lies and liars; Gathering in tens, hundreds and thousands; Socialism = one purse; Dainties of rulers (Prov 23:1); Are you a god?; Wages of unrighteousness; Christ cares about YOU; Speaking to fools; "Commonwealth"; Rich neighbors; Repentance; States originally separate countries; Biblical advice on agreements; "Republic"; Seeking truth to be free; Jubilee; Communication through the network; Difficulty getting into the kingdom; Eye of the needle; Laying down your life for others; Becoming merchandise; Why you can't see the kingdom; The journey; Turning off intellect; Forgiving your enemies; Unloading baggage; Using legal tools; Burnt offerings; Kingdom differences; Bible - book for the government of, for and by the people; God is reasonable; Consequences of choice (wrath of god); Learn the doctrines of Jesus Christ.