4/18/20: A Word From Our Local Republic Representative

Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

Guest: Oregon Lake County Commissioner James Williams - Early (re)public schools; James: COVID-19 statistics; Adverse effects of economic shutdown; Increased child abuse and domestic violence; Fiddling with the numbers; Re-opening plans; No State citizens - only residents; Political games; "Give me liberty or let me die"; Financial incentive for government to keep economy closed; County vs State; Personal responsibility; Media malpractice; A suggested path to follow; Already-broken businesses; Generational debt; Working together as a community; Changing with new information; Asking tough questions; What James does; PCR Test realities; Resistance to further testing; Vaccine salvation?; Hippocratic Oath; Dis-ease; Pharmacy within you; Vaccine waiver letter; Spirit of force; PreparingYou.com website; Fear -> Depression; Letting your light/love out; State citizenship; Entangling yourself via covetous practices; 4th branch of government; Christ's answers; Dietary oils; The vaccine you need; Religious convictions; Stand firm.

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