4/17/21: Micah 3

Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

Talking about truth requires mentioning the lie; How to decide? Public School support; WWI Ambulances; Accepting covetousness; Not to be that way with you; Church vs congregation; Believing the lie; It's not settled!; Saved by whose blood?; Micah; Brutish pastors; Lie = not whole truth; George Floyd death; Police enforcement; Ethics?; Deciding good and evil; Admitting we've been lied to; Media purposefully lying; The big lie; Expert liars; Mein Kampf; Ferguson and COVID prediction; Appeal to emotion; Propaganda; Pre-judging; Innocence first?; Journalistic propagandists; Moral integrity; Today's pope; Clouded by emotion; Court corruption; Joseph Goebbels quotes; Blaming others; "Visiting" sick = caring for; "Religion" = performance of duty; Religion of socialism; Works = evidence of faith; Micah keywords; Place names or concepts?; Doing the Father's will; Buying approval from pastors; What Christians do; Corban = sacrifice; The word of God; Missing metaphors; Micah 1:14 seized by deceit; Stealing birthright; Graven images; Constitutions; Micah 2; Charity vs force; Enemies of truth (deniers); Micah 3; Rich verses; Hearing God for judgment; Bowing to the Holy Spirit; Fleshpots and cauldrons; Ex 16:3; Loaves and fishes; Ez 11:3; "Israel"; Sin of Sodom; Breaking families; Repentance required; Pretend love; See, speak, love the truth; Eating at His table; Social Security never solvent; Errant pastors as blind guides; Sitting in darkness; Ps 107:10; Is 42:7; Lk 1:79; Mt 23:16; Keep the commandments; Lk 6:39; Shutdowns causing suicide; Watchmen; Truth must be whole; Robbing widows; Transgressors of Jacob; Sin of Esau; Nicolaitans; Jude 1:16; One purse; Entangling in elements of the world; Seek the kingdom; Paul's audience; Christian conflict; Instrumentalities of tyranny; Making room for the real Christ; Transgression of Israel; Wages of unrighteousness; Mt 7:22; Babylon is not a mystery; Jn 14:15; 1 Jn 2:3; Keeping commandments; Believe in the real Jesus; Falling away - why?; Heed the watchmen; The whole gospel; Dry bones; Ezekiel the prophet; Beware altered history.

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