4/17/21: Discussing Micah

Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

Show hosting; Call-ins?; Newsletters; Micah - watchmen failing to warn the people of unrighteous welfare schemes; Have believed a lie; Link to Peter's making merchandise of you; Ten-family synagogues; Modern church iniquities; Sureties for debt; National socialists; Migration of democratic party to socialism/Marxism; Jesus was extremely political; Parties at Christ's time; Joseph Goebbels quotes; Nazi religion; SSN link; Babylon burning; How Christians got into trouble; Leaving Egypt; Caller: Enjoying Micah study; "Twelve Tribes"; Anti-Paul sentiment; Pharisee missteps; One purse benefactors; Graven images; Sharing; People sitting in darkness; Owe no man; Keeping Sabbath; Luring with benefits; Cursed children; Wages of unrighteousness; Christ's weightier matters; Unfaced trauma; Consequences of commandments broken; mRNA injection disaster; Having a plan; Providing answers; Today's failing watchmen you trust; Guiding toward Holy Spirit; Seeing kingdom in others; God's love conquers all; Practicing Christ's love.

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