3/5/22: Lighting the Tree of Life - MUST HEAR episode!

Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

War?; Appreciating the Good News; Political boxes at the time of Christ; Paul - the lawyer; Constitutional "law"; "Contracts, Covenants and Constitutions" book; "We The People"; Christ's commands for His Holy Church; Separate from the "world"; Senile rulers?; Understanding the Kingdom; The Living Network; Doctrines of men; "Conscience" in the bible; Deciding good and evil; Darkness = absence of light; Lighting the Tree of Life; Sharing our discoveries; Denominating; WWJD?; Holy Spirit; Leaven of the Pharisees; Interpreting Torah; Christian Pharisees? - Caiaphas?; Christ on trial; Pilate and wife Christians?; Roman political drama; Burning empires; Mt 16:6-12; "Leaven"; Teaching doctrines of men; Solutions for Ukraine; Doctrine-driven division; "Born Again"; No socialist Christians; Choosing to sin; No forcing your neighbor to provide your benefits; World-wide networking; Sanhedrin; Today's governmental folly; Force is not love; Mark 8:15 Leaven of Herod; Education example; Fire departments; Legal iniquity; "Militia"; Right-of-way; The Rock of The Church; Conscience: reins the heart (Old Testament); Who will hear the gospel?; Setting down the doctrines of men; The Church is separate from the people - called out; Improper Levites; Strong delusion - overcome it; Christ came to set you free to make choices; Sacrifice is essential; Christ's sacrifice; Rome's proclamation regarding Christ; The Harlot; Kingdom legislature; Mt 9:35; Knowing in your heart and mind; Golden calf drawing; Altars of stone and clay; Unhewn stones; Allowing the people to remain free; Sacrificing control; Giving up or taking away choice; Deserving rights; Morality vs legality; Seeking righteousness; Regulating what you think is not our job; Propagating the doctrines of Christ; Righteousness first; Misinterpreting Christ; "Rich man" example; Taxes and tithes; "Free" men; Setting your neighbor free; You can still repent; "Exousia" = liberty: right to choose; Romans 13; Opposing God; Who are rulers?; Afraid of liberty?; Conform to Christ.

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