3/26/22: Idolatry Continued
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Ukrainian issues; Listening to Christ; Idolaters; Supreme court rulings; Faking belief; Cult membership; National "Fornication"; Your need for repentance; Worshipping statues?; Owning gold; Legal title to property; Imperial Cult of Rome; Use tax; Christ's form of government; Mark of the beast - charagma; Appointing judges; Death by disease; Robust immune systems; Eph 5:5; Col 3:5; Churches promoting idolatry; 1 Cor 10:6; You are the reserve fund; "Peor"; Nu 25:18; Nicolaitans; Hos 9:10; Wrath of God; Inheriting the kingdom; Becoming the treasury; Doctrines of The Church; Essentials of faith; Distractions from Christ; Leading people toward destruction; Brain anatomy; Monkey heaven; Biblical allegories; Drawing near to God; Follow Christ's doctrines.