3/20/21: Twelve More Rules for Life
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory
Realizing falsities; Becoming informed; There are wrong answers; Contradicting Paul; "Libera res publica"; Militia; Israel the republic; Jethro and Moses; Walking in righteousness; Rightly caring for needy; Rejecting God; Saul's folly; Golda Meir; Moshe Dayan; Offices of power; Imagined freedom; Abraham's other way; Forced degeneration; Baptism of repentance; What Christ accomplished; Order and consequences; Chaos vs Order - both positive forces; Evil = absence of Good; Rome vs US; Valueless money; Perseverance is up to you; Know your impatience; Jordan Peterson's 12 more rules; Church-provided options; Cain and Abel; The enemy within you; Lev 26:15; Prov 2:11; Prov 23; Heb 12:5; Rebuking covetousness; Society and the individual; Allowing chaos; Diminishing your heroes; Breaking down families; Striving for truth; Awakening is a process; Does truth offend you?; Avoiding the pain of coping; Risking for righteousness; When in doubt, don't; No faking; Laying down your life for others; Focus on forgiveness; Living for other people; Overcoming; Mercenary vs Mercy; Giving life; Ezra 10:11; Providing care for community; Strange wives; Our first love; WWI ambulances; Keeping commandments; Rom 10:10; Bondage worse than Egypt; Healing gospel; Mt 7:23; Blaspheming Jesus; If you loved him…; Jn 1:20 - Why the question?; Loaves and fishes miracle; Setting men free; Turning to the real Christ; Getting back to righteousness; Discouraging dialog; Spreading darkness; "Confession" article; Mimicking mother's love; 2 Jn 1:7; Are you adversarial to Christ?; Raising adults; Teasing, affection and humor; Ministers of Christ are truth-tellers; Being the light in the room; Consistent message throughout the bible; Casting out your demons; Your faith is being tested.